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25-09-2024 22:18

Bometon Javier Bometon Javier

Apotecios 100 y 350 um, estipitados.Pararafisis la

25-09-2024 14:24

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Rutstroemia, and pos

26-09-2024 17:25

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Does someone have a pdf of this paper? I have it

23-09-2024 17:24

Karen Poulsen

Hi there, I found a few very small apothecia on o

24-09-2024 18:27

Pierre-Yves Julien

Récolte le 01/09/2024 – Paris (75) – France â

25-09-2024 20:07

François Bartholomeeusen

After I dipped a fallen Ilex leaf in water for a d

22-09-2024 20:24

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Dear all, I did found this one on on S. acauli

23-09-2024 20:46

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Gelatinodiscaeae.•

24-09-2024 11:35

Peter Welt Peter Welt

Search Looking for an item again. Who can help? T

06-07-2020 05:51

Yulia Lytvynenko Yulia Lytvynenko

Dear friends.Looking for a copy of the following w

« < 1 2 3 4 5 > »
Elisabeth Stöckli, 03-09-2015 23:17

Trouvé au sol, sur feuilles de Vaccinium uliginosum (Tourbière).

Apothécies 0.2-0.3mm de diamètre, jaune clair, brièfement stiptiées, surface externe couverte de poils.

Asques 33-40x6-6.5µm, IKI b
4 spores, lisses, 15-18x2.2.25µm
Paraphyses droites, septées, VBs jaunes
Poils septés, hyalin

Merci pour votre aide.

  • message #37758
  • message #37758
  • message #37758
  • message #37758
  • message #37758
Michel Hairaud, 04-09-2015 08:37
Michel Hairaud
Re : Calycellina

Hi Elisabeth ,

We collected the same during the foray in the Vanoise Alpine zone last week . I read somewhere that Zotto once had a provisional name for it : Calycellina vaccinii but I cannot find it in his folders.

Let's wait for his answer...



Hans-Otto Baral, 04-09-2015 10:53
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Calycellina
Actually, I have only a description (in abbreviated German) because I got it overmature:

Switzerland, Luzern, Luzern, Entlebuch, Kleines Hochmoor in Nähe, 750 m,
leaves of Vaccinium uliginosum (or vitis-idaea?, on nerves,
~30.IX.1988, P. Blank (PB 849, now in H.B. 6656)

Ap. überreif erh.,¸
0,2-0,3(0,5)mm, deutl. gestielt (bie jungen Ap. Cupula nicht höher
als der hyal. Stiel), Basis bräunl., Habitus Psilachnum-ähnl., P/H
stark refr. VBs gelb(ocker), IKI intensiv rotbraun, RH lange Peitschen,
diese 25-50µ lang, dünn, Haarbasis 15-30/4,5-5(8!)µ, septiert, grosse
VBs, Asci *39-50/6µ, sehr typ. Calycellina, schiessen nicht, 4sp.!, ±4
kl. degenerierte Hüllen, IKI+ 1-2 bb, Sp.
#14-18#-20/2-2,2(2,3)µ (frei, reif), Ölmenge 5 multigutt. (winz. bis
1µ), schön scutuloid, teils leicht sichelf. od. spazierstockf., mit
dtl. Hülle (CRB blass lila), eE. grosszell., /7-14µ dünnwdg.


Elisabeth, your spores are 2-2.25 or 2.2-2.5?

Elisabeth Stöckli, 05-09-2015 17:21
Re : Calycellina
Merci beaucoup!


(spores 2-2.25)