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30-04-2024 16:59

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjour. Petite pézize récoltée au sol en bordu

30-04-2024 19:43

Gernot Friebes

Hi!We observed this hyphomycete growing between le

30-04-2024 16:08

maurice pelissier maurice pelissier

BonjourTrouvé dans un torrent de montagne au Chir

30-04-2024 16:22

François Bartholomeeusen

Dear forum members,On April 25 2024, I found one f

29-04-2024 21:32

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi! Found in Sweden. Ascomata with haris, se

29-04-2024 21:51

Mathias Hass Mathias Hass

Hi everyone, Found on attached branches of top pa

28-04-2024 18:05

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonsoir à toutes et tous,J'ai trouvé ce matin ce

28-04-2024 13:30

Juuso Äikäs

On Friday I found these pale, hairy little discos

24-03-2024 08:27

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

HiOn Hedera helix fallen branchEcological habitat:

26-04-2024 10:07

Mathias Hass Mathias Hass

Hello, Does anyone know what this is? Found on J

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Monilia? or Trichoderma? anamorph on Pice abies cone
Steve Clements, 18-05-2015 14:39
This was found on a buried spruce (Picea abies) cone 22/4/15. It formed a pale yellow amorphous colony, about 0.2-3 mm in thickness, on the scales of the cone. After 3 weeks incubation the colony was turning brownish, and became infested with eelworms. The conidia were spherical to rectangular, hyaline under transmitted light, 2-2.5 x 2-3(5) um. On a dry mount they were in chains up to about 50 um long. In aqueous mounts they formed agglutinated clumps. Hyphae were septate, sparsely branched, 1.5-2 um wide. Pegs were present along the hyphae. It was hard to say whether stalked conidiophores were present – the colony seemed to be quite amorphous. No evidence of phialides seen.
Are these arthrospores or blastospores? Are the conidia budding off the hyphae and then forming chains? The conidia seem to be dry, and so not Trichoderma, but more like Monilia.
We inspected a number of Picea abies cones and found a number of additional fungi: the basidiomycete Strobilurus esculentus, a Mycena sp., a Penicillium, and a gelatinous microfungus . However, very few fungi are listed in Ellis and Ellis on spruce cones.

Sur une épinette enterré (Picea abies) cône 22/4/15. Colonie jaune pâle amorphe, environ 0,2-3 mm d'épaisseur. Les conidies sont sphériques à rectangulaire, hyalines sous lumière transmise, 2-2,5 x 2-3 (5) um. Une fois sec les conidies sont dans les chaînes, lorsqu'il est mouillé, ils agglutinent. Hyphes cloisonnées, peu ramifiée, 1,5-2 um de large. Pegs sont sur les hyphes.

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  • message #35916