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21-07-2024 10:13

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolte sur branchette de Castanea dans u

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Kozak Robert

Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

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Which Peziza did I find on horse dung in Humboldt

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Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good morningThis Scutellinia from July 9 grew at 1

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Masanori Kutsuna

Dear all, Does anyone have these papers and send

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Villalonga Paco

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Mirek Gryc

Hello allA friend sent me two collections of small

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Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

Hello, anybody body has:Pande A. and Rao, V.G. (1

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Bonsoir, Un discomycète sur Liochlaena lanceolat

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Peter Welt Peter Welt

Who can help? Arx, J.A. von. 1973. Ostiolate and

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Nectriaceae on bark of Banksia
Hans-Otto Baral, 23-10-2007 18:35
Hans-Otto BaralBon soir,

on a dry branch of Banksia grandis in SW-Australia grows on the bark (peridermis) among the hairy felt a nice Nectriaceae which was at first sight taken for an Orbilia. It is characterized by rather large spores. The orange peridium turns deep pink in KOH and does not seem to have a perceptible ostiole. Any idea? I have not tried any key.

Sp. *29-31 x 9.5-10.3 µm, smooth, hyaline. Many spores still alive 13 months after collection.

There is also a polysporous Nitschkia (?broomeana) on this branch.

  • message #3356
Hans-Otto Baral, 23-10-2007 18:36
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Nectriaceae on bark of Banksia
here are the living spores
  • message #3357
Hans-Otto Baral, 23-10-2007 18:37
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Nectriaceae on bark of Banksia
and the peridium in KOH (yellowish-orange in water)
  • message #3358
Hans-Otto Baral, 23-10-2007 18:37
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Nectriaceae on bark of Banksia
  • message #3359
NC NC, 23-10-2007 19:04
Re:Nectriaceae on bark of Banksia
Why not send this information to Amy Rossman or Gary Samuels?

Christian Lechat, 23-10-2007 19:41
Christian Lechat
Re:Nectriaceae on bark of Banksia
Hi Zotto,
is there a stroma? which is the thickness of the perithecial wall? cupulate ascomata when dry?
could you make an image of vertical section of ostiolar region? :)
Hans-Otto Baral, 24-10-2007 16:50
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Nectriaceae on bark of Banksia
Hi Christian

The perithecia are actually rather strongly collapsing when dry. The spores have a wider range: *(26-)29-31(-35) x 9.5-10.3(-11.3) µm, and shrink considerably in KOH: (25-)28-33.5 x 8.2-9 µm. The The peridial wall is laterally upto 30 µm thick. I did not succeed, however, to hit the ostiolum, the perithecium is apparently brittle when dry. Also it is completely immersed among the dense hair felt on the bark.

  • message #3369
Hans-Otto Baral, 24-10-2007 16:52
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Nectriaceae on bark of Banksia
The anchoring hyphae are 3-5 µm wide, +/- thick-walled.

If you wish I will send it to you (together with H. arenula).

Of course I would be glad to have a statement by Amy Rossman and Gary Samuels. They do not appear to visit Ascofrance?

  • message #3370
Christian Lechat, 24-10-2007 21:20
Christian Lechat
Re:Nectriaceae on bark of Banksia
Dear Zotto,
according to your data, I think it is a Cosmospora but without to see it, it is difficult to say something
You can send it to me, I will be glad to see it because I don't find any species like this in Cosmospora genus.