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Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

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Sporomega degenerans
Nina Filippova, 25-06-2014 13:13
Good time to everyone.

I have posted this species earlier here, it was collected from Andromeda polifolia branches and it was not recognized then.

Now it was found again, this time on branches of Vaccinium uliginosum. Eugene Popov suggested that it is Sporomega degenerans, and with this collection from Vaccinium it could be indeed so.

Interestingly, there were several apothecia collected from one branch and two of them were with 4-spored asci and larger spores, while others with 8-spored asci.

Hysterothecia ellipsoid to fusoid, 0.7-2 mm by long axis, hymenium grayish, emerging through branch epidermis with bordering black rim.

Asci 190-220 x 16-19 mk (4-spored); paraphyses filiform, about 1.5 mk broad, in some specimens bent, and others strongly coiled in upper part, without enlargements in upper part; spores filiform, heteropolar, with mucous appendexes at both sides and with distinct mucous sheath. Spores measurements for 4-spored asci: 96 (85.4-105) x 4 (3.5-4.3) mk (n=20); and for 8-spored asci: 72 (58-82) x 2.4 (2.2-2.8) mk (n=16).

Date of collection: 24.06.2014. Coordinates: N60,890421° E68,680943°.

  • message #29997
  • message #29997
  • message #29997
  • message #29997
  • message #29997
Paul Cannon, 25-06-2014 13:37
Re : Sporomega degenerans
This looks good to me: refer to . This was put together with a little help from Henrik Lantz, and includes images of Fries's isotype collection from Kew.  It hasn't been seen in Scotland for over 100 years....

Are you sure your original collection was on Andromeda? I would expect this species to be quite host-specific.

All good wishes

Nina Filippova, 25-06-2014 13:51
Re : Sporomega degenerans
Thank you Paul!

i will check again the host of original collection in few days, since my herbatium not at hand now. It was labeled as Andromeda polifolia, but error is possible.

Will answer you later.

Hans-Otto Baral, 25-06-2014 17:34
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Sporomega degenerans
This is great, Nina! I was recently discussing about this species with Paul and Henrik. Now you supplied wonderful microphotos of living elements.

I only wonder where the generic difference between Sporomega and Lophodermium is. I have photos from Asturias of a species on presumably Eriophorum (as Lophodermium cf. eriophori), which has widely open ascomata very much like this Sporomega.

On the other hand, Lophodermium turned out to be polyphyletic in Lantz et al. 2011. Interestingly, Sporomega degenerans falls there with Colpoma quercina in a clade, and that genus was your first choice of your Andromeda collection!

Nina Filippova, 25-06-2014 18:08
Re : Sporomega degenerans
Hello Zotto,

Lophodermium eriophori doesn't look like other known to me Lophodermium's indeed. It is also commonly met at the bog, i have posted it earlier here:

I will look for other collections of Sporomega on Vaccinium and Andromeda to clarify its host specificity.


Nina Filippova, 27-06-2014 14:47
Re : Sporomega degenerans
Hello, Paul, Zotto.

I have checked the original herbarium collection and the substrate was surely Andromeda polifolia. There were fruits on the branches, and they are characteristic.

Thus, i have collected Sporomega degenerans from two hosts (otherwise could be that it is two different species, but morphologically there are no clear differences).


Paul Cannon, 27-06-2014 17:32
Re : Sporomega degenerans
Thank you for checking. We learn new things every day...