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18-01-2025 04:46

Tomaz Vucko Tomaz Vucko

Hello! I think this might interest someone... I

17-01-2025 17:20

David Chapados David Chapados

Hi, Would it be possible to find the species of t

18-01-2025 01:04

Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber

Good evening, in an open oak forest in Burgenland

17-01-2025 12:36

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Dear friends.This fungus was growing on dead termi

17-01-2025 21:21

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On a nonidentified Myxo (Didymium?) I f

16-01-2025 22:50


BonsoirJ'ai récupéré cet échantillon comme ét

14-01-2025 10:11

Margot en Geert Vullings

On a dead branch of Cryptomeria that has been lyin

17-01-2025 18:35

Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

I am yet again looking as some dried specimens of

16-01-2025 21:26

William Slosse William Slosse

Good evening all,I have little to no experience wi

17-01-2025 15:52

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

found on a rotten branch Pinus or Quercus diamete

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Scutellinia species on burnt ground
Ralph Vandiest, 01-05-2014 21:22
Ralph VandiestHello,

I found these scutellinia on burnt ground in a wetland. Size frb up to 8mm. Asci 220/290x20/23µm. Paraphyses with swollen tip up to 12µm. Spores subglose (outside asci)16/20x13/16µm. Spores in asci with wall 2µm (or is this one very large ,then maybe S umbrorum?). Septated haires, size +- 375x17µm, wall 4µm.

Any suggestions? S minor?


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Beñat Jeannerot, 02-05-2014 04:42
Beñat Jeannerot
Re : Scutellinia species on burnt ground
Adio Ralph,

Difficult to say anything here.
It's important to have a global vision of hairs, of bases, measurements and sporal ornementation on ejected spores (or surely mature in asci, not the case here)...


Ralph Vandiest, 02-05-2014 11:49
Ralph Vandiest
Re : Scutellinia species on burnt ground

I added some more pics that show a global vision of the hairs. Spore ornamentation is very difficult to see ...
Hairs max 500µmx20µm, with septa and wall up to 4µm.


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Ralph Vandiest, 05-05-2014 19:57
Ralph Vandiest
Re : Scutellinia species on burnt ground

Hello Benat,

I have collected fresh species. Can you give me your adres so that I can send them to you.



Ralph Vandiest, 11-05-2014 19:28
Ralph Vandiest
Re : Scutellinia species on burnt ground
Hello Benat,

I sent dried material to you on friday.

