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28-06-2024 10:50

Thomas Læssøe

Spores ca. 47 x 32 µm, 2-celled, highly constrict

27-06-2024 01:36

Richard VALERI Richard VALERI

Salut à tous.J'ai lu ici que Zotto était plutôt

22-06-2024 13:35

Sven Heinz Sven Heinz

Hello, Could this be Camposporium pellucidum? The

26-06-2024 21:08

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

On the underside of a very rotten board in our gar

26-06-2024 22:43

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Hello, Found on a wet piece of wood  (Fraxinus ?

26-06-2024 16:32

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Salut.Un champignon supposé sur certaines feuille

16-06-2024 14:36

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hello.An anamorph located in nature, on the surfac

23-06-2024 17:58

Ingo Ibelshäuser Ingo Ibelshäuser

Bonjour, j'ai trouvé le Cheilymenia jaune vif sui

22-06-2024 17:56

Francisco  SÃNCHEZ Francisco SÁNCHEZ

Estos apotecios, de 0,5-20 mm, fructificaban el 13

09-01-2023 08:14

Francisco  SÃNCHEZ Francisco SÁNCHEZ

Ascomiceto anaranjado sobre suelo desnudo, 29/12/2

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Pezizella on Dryopteris
M. M. Gotink, 30-05-2013 20:08
A fews days ago I found this Pezizella on dead petioles of Dryopteris, probably Dryopteris dilatata.

The apothecia are up to 1 mm in diameter, short haired on the outside and short stalked.

Asci 8-spored.

Spores 8-11 x 2 µm, with some small guttules on both ends.

There are 2 Pezizella's on ferns I can find, P. campanulaeformis and P. chryostigma. But my measured spore size is in between both of them.

Does someone have an idea what species this could be?



  • message #23719
  • message #23719
  • message #23719
  • message #23719
Hans-Otto Baral, 16-06-2013 19:05
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Pezizella on Dryopteris
Spores vary in chrysostigmum between 5-6 and 7-9 µm. 11 µm seems rather extraordinary. Typically, the apothecia turn yellow on bruising.

The identity of campanulaeformis is unclear to me.
