29-03-2025 09:08

Bonjour.J’ai essayé d’étudier un Daldinia.Qu

30-03-2025 10:24
Gonzalez Garcia MartaGood morning, I would like to know the opinion of

31-03-2025 17:01
akcay mustafa emreHello everyone, My name is Mustafa Emre Akçay, a

30-03-2025 12:41
Me mandan el material seco de Galicia (España), r

24-03-2025 21:26
Bonjour, J'ai besoin d'une confirmation ou infirm

29-03-2025 06:21

Hi! I found this interesting tiny ascomycete on i

29-03-2025 05:45
Sebastien BassoHello, I'm conducting a mycological inventory in

27-03-2025 22:25

On Metzgeria furcata I found hundreds of small whi
This gnomoniaceae grows abundantly on leaves of Quercus.
Size: 350 - 400 x 280-350um. Neck 900-1300 x 45-50.
Asci: 30-33 x 9-13um. Apical apparatus 2um
Spores: 13-15 x 2-3um, noncentral septum (60% -40%). With small appendages (2-3um) at the ends.
Initially I thought it was Ophiognomonia setacea, but lacks the central septum. It looks like gnomnia incrassata, but the neck is long and slightly smaller spores, and the host is Quercus.
Do not know whose it is?
Can anyone identify the species?
Thanks in advance
Susana (Spain)?
Very good !
Thank you, Alain!
Gracias Enrique, pero creo que no es dificil encontrarla, de hecho, he recogido al azar hojas de roble (en bosque mixto con pino) en lugares distintos y en casi todas estaba presente (comprobando al micro). Esto es en Sarasibar (Navarra), una zona que creo ya has visitado.
Gracias Susana
Hi spanish friends,
Last week, I have collected easily this Gnomonia. Same features, and I also can note appendages, feature not seen in swissen collections.
It should be G. kisslingii. But I send it to Donny Walker in order to have its molecular sequency.
Best wishes,

J'ai aussi trouvé cette espèce , cependant, je lis dans la monographie de Monod que les spores sont dépourvues d'appendices .
Y a t il eu confirmation ultérieurement à sa publication que G. kisslingii a bien des appendices ?
Rien de neuf depuis cette mointaine époque. Donald avait arrêté les Gnomoniaceae. Le sujet mériterait d'être creusé.