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23-12-2024 18:18

Rot Bojan

Hello!I've been working with this small fungus for

24-12-2024 09:02

Charles Aron Charles Aron

Hi All, Recently I found this orange Disco growin

23-12-2024 12:10

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonjour à toutes et tous,Pourriez-vous m'aider à

23-12-2024 22:59

Lucian Clanet Lucian Clanet

Hello,I'm trying to find information about the Hyp

21-12-2024 12:45

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On naked wood of Fagus, I found some ha

22-12-2024 21:42

Bometon Javier Bometon Javier

Habitat en el suelo, con presencia de Calluna mult

17-12-2024 12:33

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

this fluffy anamorph was repeatedly found on decid

23-12-2024 14:37

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hello.Some tiny globose black ascomata found on De

22-12-2024 10:19

Simon Gurtner Simon Gurtner

Hello,can anyone help me identify this small ascom

22-12-2024 10:53

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Pourriez-vous me confirmer ma détermination de ce

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Peziza coprófila
Javier Ormad, 21-01-2012 15:10
Javier OrmadHi all!
Peziza en restos coprófilos humanos. Ejemplares vistos, hasta 4 cms. Ascas monoseriadas, hasta 250 x 13 micras. Ascosporas nucleadas, sin gútulas, lisas inicialmente, con un fino punteado en la madurez, de 15-16 x 8-9.5 micras. Parafisis en palo de golf, septadas, con VBs, de hasta 6 micras de grosor. Excípulo medular de textura globulosa. P. perdicina (esporas14-16 x 7-8; en restos de animales), P. moraveci (13-15(16) x 6-8; excrementos de vacas), P. domiciliana (14-16 x 8-9; pero sin saber sustrato coprófilo). Descarto P. merdae por excípulo y ausencia de parafisis moniliformes............
¿Alguna idea más?

Peziza in dungs human remains. Seen, up to 4 cms. Asci up to 250 x 13 microns. Nucleated ascospores, without gútulas, initially smooth, with a fine stippling in maturity, 15-16 x 8-9.5 microns. Paraphysis in golf thick, septate, with VBs, of up to 6 microns. Medullar excípulum of globulosa texture. P. perdicina (spores14-16 x 7 - 8; in remains of animals), P. moraveci (13-15 (16) x 6-8; excrement of cows), P. domiciliana (14-16 x 8-9; but not know substrate of dungs). Don't think P. merdae by excípulum and absence of paraphysis moniliformes.
Any more ideas?

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