20-12-2024 17:32
Louis DENYBonsoir forumTrouvé à Belfort, 400 m altitude, s
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Bernard CLESSEPourriez-vous me confirmer ma détermination de ce
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Simon GurtnerHello,can anyone help me identify this small ascom
17-02-2013 08:38
Alain GARDIENNETBonjour, J'ai trouvé ces acervules sur feuille d
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Castillo JosebaMe mandan el material seco de Galicia, recolecta
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Marc DetollenaereDear Forum,On naked wood of Fagus, I found some ha
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Lothar Krieglsteinerthis fluffy anamorph was repeatedly found on decid
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Bernard CLESSEBonsoir à toutes et tous,Pourriez-vous m'aider à
Cistella / Dasyscyphella
Javier Ormad,
22-05-2011 18:54
Apotecios, de hasta 1 mm de diámetro por 0.5 mm de pie. En acículas de Pinus halepensis
I present a species. Initially located as Cistella acuum, but raises questions with Dasyscyphella pulverulenta. To see what you think.
Apothecia up to 1 mm in diameter and standing 0.5 mm. In needles of Pinus halepensis
Javier Ormad,
22-05-2011 18:54
Re:Cistella / Dasyscyphella
Ascas cilíndricas, con ocho esporas biseriadas, amiloides, con uncínulos, de 38-40 x 4-5 micras. Ascosporas elíptico-fusiformes, lisas, hialinas, contrastando 2 gútulas en los extremos esporales, pudiendo haber otras más pequeñas, satélites a éstas, de 5-7 x 1.5-2 micras. Paráfisis filiformes y septadas. Pelos hialinos, septados, formados con 2-4 células, más o menos rectos, algunos capitados, con abundantes incrustaciones exteriores en toda su extensión, midiendo hasta 80 x 6 micras.
Cylindrical asci with eight spores biseriate, amyloid, with croziers, of 38-40 x 4-5 microns. Ascospores elliptic-fusiform, smooth, hyaline, contrasting 2 guttae in spore ends and may be other smaller satellites to them, 5-7 x 1.5-2 microns. Paraphyses filiform and septate. Hairs hyaline, septate, 2-4 cells formed more or less straight, some capitate, with abundant external scale in its entirety, measuring up to 80 x 6 microns.
Cylindrical asci with eight spores biseriate, amyloid, with croziers, of 38-40 x 4-5 microns. Ascospores elliptic-fusiform, smooth, hyaline, contrasting 2 guttae in spore ends and may be other smaller satellites to them, 5-7 x 1.5-2 microns. Paraphyses filiform and septate. Hairs hyaline, septate, 2-4 cells formed more or less straight, some capitate, with abundant external scale in its entirety, measuring up to 80 x 6 microns.
Hans-Otto Baral,
22-05-2011 19:07
Javier Ormad,
24-05-2011 13:18
Re:Cistella / Dasyscyphella
Hi Zotto!
Thank you very much for your quick response.
We noted in press
Thank you very much for your quick response.
We noted in press