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28-07-2024 01:32

Valencia Lopez Francisco Javier

Hola amigosScutellinia recolectada en el suelo, en

11-02-2012 06:50

Roland Labbé

Bonjour !  Voici une planche et une photo macro

24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

24-07-2024 13:19

Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

21-07-2024 10:13

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolte sur branchette de Castanea dans u

19-07-2024 10:24

Kozak Robert

Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

21-07-2024 10:28

Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

Which Peziza did I find on horse dung in Humboldt

19-07-2024 11:08

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good morningThis Scutellinia from July 9 grew at 1

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Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 02-03-2011 01:18
Miguel Ãngel RibesEsta Hypocrea de 1-2 mm de diámetro amarillenta con puntos verdosos crecía en madera de planifolio en bosque de laurisilva en Tenerife.
Ascas cilíndricas, aparentemente sin croziers, de (74.7) 76.5 - 93.6 (94) x (4.3) 4.6 - 5.6 (5.8) µm
Q = (14) 15.8 - 18.6 (19.6) ; N = 1; Me = 86.6 x 5.1 µm ; Qe = 17.1, en agua, a partir de material fresco y a 600x.
Esporas verdosas, subglobosas de (3.2) 3.4 - 4 (4.1) x (3) 3.2 - 3.8 (4) µm; Q = 1 - 1.1 (1.2) ; N = 50
Me = 3.7 x 3.5 µm ; Qe = 1.1 y elipsoidales de (3.6) 4 - 5 (5.4) x (2.4) 2.7 - 3.2 (3.3) µm; Q = (1.2) 1.3 - 1.8 (1.9) ; N = 48; Me = 4.6 x 2.9 µm ; Qe = 1.6, en agua, a partir de material fresco y a 1000x.
Sin paráfisis.

En otras ocasiones he visto H. gelatinosa, pero siempre de color blanquecino con puntos verdosos.

Muchas gracias
This yellow with green spots Hypocrea of 1-2 mm diameter grew on planifolious wood in laurel forest in Tenerife.
Asci cylindrical, apparently without croziers, from (74.7) 76.5 - 93.6 (94) x (4.3) 4.6 - 5.6 (5.8) microns; Q = (14) 15.8 - 18.6 (19.6), N = 1, Me = 86.6 x 5.1 microns, Qe = 17.1, in water, from fresh material and 600x.
Spores greenish, subglobose, (3.2) 3.4 - 4 (4.1) x (3) 3.2 - 3.8 (4) microns, Q = 1 - 1.1 (1.2), N = 50
Me = 3.7 x 3.5 microns, Qe = 1.1 and ellipsoidal (3.6) 4-5 (5.4) x (2.4) 2.7 - 3.2 (3.3) microns, Q = (1.2) 1.3 - 1.8 (1.9), N = 48; Me = 4.6 x 2.9 microns, Qe = 1.6, in water, from fresh material and 1000x.
Without paraphyses.

Sometimes I have seen H. gelatinosa, but always white with green spots.

Thank you very much

Miguel Á. Ribes,

  • message #14516
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 02-03-2011 01:18
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re:Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
Another macro
  • message #14517
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 02-03-2011 01:19
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re:Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
General view in water
  • message #14518
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 02-03-2011 01:19
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re:Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
Another general view in water
  • message #14519
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 02-03-2011 01:19
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re:Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
Asci in water
  • message #14520
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 02-03-2011 01:20
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re:Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
More mature asci in water
  • message #14521
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 02-03-2011 01:20
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re:Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
Spores in water
  • message #14522
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 02-03-2011 01:21
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re:Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
An finally excipulum in water.

Thank you,

Miguel Á. Ribes
  • message #14523
Jacques Fournier, 02-03-2011 11:06
Jacques Fournier
Re:Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
Hola Miguel,
you should take a look at Walter's Jaklitsch's monograph of geen-spored Hypocrea in Studies in Mycology 63 (2009), that you can download for free. A great work. Good luck!
Luc Bailly, 02-03-2011 17:36
Luc Bailly
Re:Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
Here's the link for the monograph, in case if you don't know:
Studies in Mycology is a great journal.
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 02-03-2011 17:55
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re:Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
Thank you Jacques, Luc and Zotto.

I have obtain the paper here:

Miguel Á. Ribes
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 03-03-2011 23:31
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re:Hypocrea aff gelatinosa
With Walter's Jaklitsch's monograph I arrived to H. strictipilosa, but he answer me: "Looks rather like H. aureoviridis. The ascospore cells are more or less monomorphic and more or less globose, only the ascospore basal in the ascus is dimorphic", so I was not very wrong. :)

Thank you Zotto,

Miguel Á. Ribes