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Hymenoscyphuses? on cones
Marja Pennanen, 03-09-2010 11:45

yesterday evening I decided to go and pick those Hymenoscyphuses I found on Epilobium.
I'm just too curious and checked some interesting looking places on the way.
So I found some Hymenoscyphus like on pinus cones and tried to find them more and ended finding different looking ones, too. It was quite late, so the photos are nothing like perfect.
Here's the first one. They are about 0,5-1,5 mm wide and 1-2 mm high.
  • message #12774
Marja Pennanen, 03-09-2010 11:49
Re:Hymenoscyphuses? on cones
The second ones have not that long stipes and are looking more like orange than light yellow.
They are a bit bigger, 1-2 mm wide and high.

By the way I found, what I was looking, too. The surgery just wasn't a succesfull one ;)
Shall give another try,
  • message #12775
Marja Pennanen, 03-09-2010 11:50
Re:Hymenoscyphuses? on cones
The first had structure like this (if anything shows...).
  • message #12776
Marja Pennanen, 03-09-2010 11:55
Re:Hymenoscyphuses? on cones
The spores were multiguttulate, 15-23x3-4.
Asci 80-98x7-8 and paraphyses with VB:s about 2 micrometers wide.
  • message #12777
Marja Pennanen, 03-09-2010 11:55
Re:Hymenoscyphuses? on cones
The second had cells like this.
  • message #12778
Hans-Otto Baral, 03-09-2010 11:59
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Hymenoscyphuses? on cones
Woudl be important to see the spores at oil immersion. They are the most important feature. Anyhow I know such finds on cones and fear I have only names such as H. virgultorum.

Marja Pennanen, 03-09-2010 12:02
Re:Hymenoscyphuses? on cones
The spores had 2 bigger and some (if any) smaller droplets, 12-17x3-4.
Asci 75-85x6-7 and paraphyses with VB's were 2-3 micrometers wide.
I tried Lugol, but these are once again those, which must be put to pure Lugol to see, what happens.
The reaction was very, very weak, if any.

But it's nice, that after rains fungi just happen :)
  • message #12780
Marja Pennanen, 03-09-2010 12:07
Re:Hymenoscyphuses? on cones
Here's the spores of the nr1 in immersion, luckily something can be seen.
It was far past midnight, when I studied these, so no one of the other is to show.
But will be later...

I thought, that H. virguiltorum is a leafy trees species. Little do I know, thanks.

  • message #12781
Hans-Otto Baral, 03-09-2010 14:46
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Hymenoscyphuses? on cones
That's good! I used virgultorum for finds on woody twigs:-) But I actually sometimes doubt the value of substrates. F-ex., H. menthae grows on almost everything, though mostly on herbaceous stems.

Your photo of the asci, could you please send this by email? The ascus bases lok like having arosen from croziers (two septa visible), and at double resolution I would getmore sure. Therefore and because of the shorter spores I now see it cannot be virgultorum. I suspect a relation to H. calyculus, a group of lignicolous species which has croziers.


Marja Pennanen, 03-09-2010 15:17
Re:Hymenoscyphuses? on cones

I looked for croziers, I've been doing that for hours and hours lately, but can never be sure, though sometimes notices the differences in ascus bases.

Anyway here's somekind of a photo of the other spores. E-mail will be send soon.
I noticed now the IKI+ (blue) reaction.

  • message #12786
Hans-Otto Baral, 03-09-2010 18:57
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Hymenoscyphuses? on cones
O.k., now I see more clear. You are right when mentioning Hymenosc. lutescens in your mail to me, so the second one is clearly that species which is close to H. epiphyllus and needs to have croziers. Here an old drawing of mine, photos you find on the DVD, HB 7865.

For the one with scutuloid spores, I agree, the asci are without croziers, and I ave no name for it.

  • message #12788
Marja Pennanen, 03-09-2010 19:07
Re:Hymenoscyphuses? on cones
Thank you :)

Now I know, that my suspicion of the ealier determinations of H. lutescens are in vain.

The other kept it's secrets or maybe something was revealed - eventhough not the species ;)

Thanfully: Marja