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24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

24-07-2024 13:19

Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

21-07-2024 10:13

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolte sur branchette de Castanea dans u

19-07-2024 10:24

Kozak Robert

Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

21-07-2024 10:28

Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

Which Peziza did I find on horse dung in Humboldt

19-07-2024 11:08

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good morningThis Scutellinia from July 9 grew at 1

21-07-2024 06:23

Masanori Kutsuna

Dear all, Does anyone have these papers and send

08-07-2024 23:34

Villalonga Paco

Small Scutellinia growing in garden soil (calcareo

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Gelatinous on Carex
Marja Pennanen, 02-09-2010 10:38

I found these on some Carex yesterday.
They are 1-5mm wide and 3-5 mm high.
  • message #12755
Marja Pennanen, 02-09-2010 10:43
Re:Gelatinous on Carex
The spores are 16-30x3-4 containing some small droplets.
Asci are 75-95x8-10, IKI+ and paraphyses are 2-3 mm wide, septate and may be a little longer than asci.
The top cell of the paraphyses is somehow different, maybe it's walls are thicker or something.

  • message #12756
Marja Pennanen, 02-09-2010 11:35
Re:Gelatinous on Carex
One photo more.
I just studied a little piece of the fungi and there were very little to see of the cells.

  • message #12758
Hans-Otto Baral, 02-09-2010 12:13
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Gelatinous on Carex
Good find!!

The top cell contains a VB, i.e. a refractive vacuole (like in Mollisia). If you add KOH or MLZ these VBs disappear, also in the herbarium.

This species is Ombrophila pileata (= Hymenoscyphus pileatus). Gel and apical ring tpye clearly exclude Hymenoscyphus, still the current name in IF (although I corrected to Ombrophila already in 1985). The problem is only that in Karsten's type material which I studied is a mixtum: it contains also a very similar species with distinctly smaller and narrower and rather strongly curved spores, O. lacustris. regrettably, Karsten's is not clear in this point, giving +/- both spore types. So I have to select one of them as lectotype.

Marja Pennanen, 02-09-2010 12:23
Re:Gelatinous on Carex
Thank you for det. and explanations :)
