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14-03-2025 22:05


BonsoirSur écorcePetits bâtonnets friable, tortu

16-03-2025 17:15

Ethan Crenson

Hi all, Found recently in a wooded park in New Yo

16-03-2025 15:06


Bonjour au forumAprès plusieurs tentatives je m'e

16-03-2025 19:17

Pavel Jiracek

Another find on a piece of Quercus Wood in Scotlan

13-03-2025 19:16

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

By means of these photographs could anyone identif

16-03-2025 11:04


Bonjour.Je cherche une copie de l'article suivant:

13-03-2025 16:50

Harald Homa Harald Homa

Good evening Another find I'm looking for help wi

15-03-2025 13:10

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

These hair balls are growing on top of Nemania ser

14-03-2025 23:29

Warre Van Caenegem

Good evening everyone. Last year, I found this cop

12-03-2025 17:54

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi all!Do you agree with Scutellinia hyperborea? P

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Clusters of small fungi on bark of Alnus
Dmitry Gavryushin, 21-12-2006 18:36
Dec. 14, 2006, town park, Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region, Russia. Clusters projected from cracks in the bark, size up to 5 mm, separate fruitbodies around 0.5 mm across.
  • message #1158
Dmitry Gavryushin, 21-12-2006 18:37
Re:Clusters of small fungi on bark of Alnus
A more general view.
  • message #1159
Dmitry Gavryushin, 21-12-2006 18:38
Re:Clusters of small fungi on bark of Alnus
What I saw in the microscope (1).
  • message #1160
Dmitry Gavryushin, 21-12-2006 18:38
Re:Clusters of small fungi on bark of Alnus
What I saw in the microscope (2).
  • message #1161
Jacques Trimbach, 21-12-2006 21:15
Re:Clusters of small fungi on bark of Alnus
cf. Tympanis alnea
Dmitry Gavryushin, 21-12-2006 21:33
Re:Clusters of small fungi on bark of Alnus
Many thanks Jacques, I think you are quite right. I have also found out that it occurs on Duschekia fruticosa (Betulaceae) in Taimyr Peninsula (Checklist of fungi and lichenicolous fungi of the Russian Arctic, ).
Hans-Otto Baral, 21-12-2006 22:42
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Clusters of small fungi on bark of Alnus
Yes that´s a Tympanis. In the case you find living asci (in a section) then you see that the conidia are aggregated in 8 roundish balls in the upper half of the ascus, and so they are ejected. But when you kill the asci then this peculiar arrangement is completely distorted and the conidia fill the whole ascus.

Dmitry Gavryushin, 22-12-2006 08:40
Re:Clusters of small fungi on bark of Alnus
Thanks a lot for your comment Zotto. It's said in Nordic Macromycetes that there's another sp. on Alnus, T. hysterioides, but I think it would be difficult to say whether it's T. alnea or T. hysterioides.
Hans-Otto Baral, 22-12-2006 22:18
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Clusters of small fungi on bark of Alnus
Tympanis is a very difficult genus. The best paper I know is that from Ouelette & Pirozynski. To identify species it is necessary to study the ascospores from which the conidia emerge (septation, germ tubes), which are rather difficult to see within the premature asci - when asci are dead then only by staining.