08-11-2024 17:36
Juuso ÄikäsRecently I posted here my finding of small white a
04-11-2024 17:32
Yves AntoinetteBonjour, je pense qu'il peut s'agir de Trichoderma
23-10-2024 17:27
Enrique RubioHi againThese tiny apothecia (100-200 µm) were gr
06-11-2024 20:07
B Shelbourne• Macro and habitat suggest Hymenoscyphus s.l.,
04-09-2024 21:02
Stephen MifsudI have found an interesting Xylaria growing on fal
06-11-2024 11:59
Stephen MifsudI am trying to identify a Cheilymenia sp. using ke
05-11-2024 18:00
Karen PoulsenHello, Can anyone help with this one? On twigs o
Voici une espèce sur tiges mortes d'Equisetum palustris trouvé au bord d'un ruisseau à 1'150m. Apothécies 0.3-0.9mm de diamètre, l'hyménium de couleur crème à brun clair, surface externe et marge couverte de poils, asques octosporés, 100-145x12.5-15µm, IKI+, spores lisses, hyalines, biguttulées, 18-20x6-7µm, paraphyses septées et élargies au sommet 5-7µm.
Merci d'avance pour vos avis.
i just accidentially looked at this message.
The substrate here clearly does look like E. arvense, not E. palustre, despite i do not see all characteristics of the host clearly.
I am not sure if my named "St. poeltii" will or may grow on this host as well, but got my doubts so far, thus would certainly hesitate to say both could be conspecific.
However, genetic comparison will be useful to clear relations.
Liebe Grüße
the difference in croziers vs. simple septa and in spore contents, also in apo colour (flesh vs. yellow-orange), suggest different species.
It would be great if the Equisetum could be clarified to species. Are there more pics of the plant?