28-02-2017 09:34
Roberta PiniGood morning,I am looking for the paper by Lundqvi
05-02-2025 04:38
Ethan CrensonHi all, Found by a friend last Saturday in Staten
01-02-2025 10:01
Vasileios Kaounasfound in the soil, in olive trees and Pistacia ver
01-02-2025 20:32
Andreas GminderHello,today my girlfriend Sylvie found a single ap
30-01-2025 14:54
Karl Soler KinnerbäckHi! Found this one on or next to some Juncus speci
30-01-2025 10:32
victor servranckxHello, I am a biology student from Belgium and on
Dear friends
This Mollisia makes small greyish fruitbodys on rhizomes of Juncus balticus at 1800 m of altitude.
Asci up to 40 x 5, IKI b, with croziers, 8-spored. Ascomata KOH negative. The ascospores I think are narrower of those of Mollisia palustris.
Have you some idea?
I wonder if this has some relation to Mollisia chionea? The ascospores would be of comparable thickness, but are at the shorter lengths of your collection. It has been reported on Juncus in the UK several times and is (I think) a possible tentative match.
http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/8967530#page/162/mode/1up (figures 21-24)
Discorehmia eburnea is a synonym of Mollisia chionea (according to Index Fungorum), and is described with ascospores 7-8 x 1.5 um, which would be more in line with your collection.
But there's always the possibility that these two species could be misclassified in Mollisia - I haven't looked into the matter very far!
Either way, I think your species is probably a close relative of one of the Mollisia palustris look-alikes, but not conspecific.
Hi Brian
Perhaps is a possibility, although the whitish/translucent colour of the ascomata of M. chionea and the shorther ascospores are different.
I think so. This fungus is very close related with M. palustris but is not the same species.
Many thanks for help me