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30-08-2024 20:06

Dirk Gerstner

Mollisia on Typha_angustifolia I found the follow

30-08-2024 19:48

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonsoir, J'aimerais avoir votre avis sur ce Cordy

28-08-2024 18:26

Peter Welt Peter Welt

BARRON GL, CAIN RF, GILMAN JC (1961): A revision o

27-08-2024 19:03

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

I found some Hymenoscyphus-like apothecia on cupul

27-08-2024 17:12

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I would like to consult this little Peziza,

26-08-2024 16:30

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,yesterday I collected this Phaeohelotium on

24-08-2024 22:11

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolté au milieu d'un ruisseau. Est-il

22-08-2024 17:10

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I have this collection of Ciboria gallincola

22-08-2024 17:59

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

Hi!I just wonder if Peziza badia can exude plenty

20-08-2024 23:32

Alden Dirks

Any ideas on what this Leotiomycetes growing on Ph

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Ophiognomonia nana
Nina Filippova, 08-03-2013 12:51
Ophiognomonia nana ?

Collected on dead leaves of Betula nana (in bog), 20.08.2012.

The genus was identified with Munk (1957), the species by host (SMML DB), and compared with description in Sogonov (2008).

Perithecia spherical with long necks, to 0,5 mm in diameter, immersed in leaf tissue, necks protruding at the surface, to 1 mm long.
Asci spherical, with short stalk and truncate tip, near 25 x 13 mk; spores fusoid-ellipsoid, 1-celled, with acute ends, 12 (11-12,6) x 5 (4,7-5,4) (N=20).

On this subject, i am lacking these two works, may be anybody can share them with me:

Eriksson, O.E. 1992. The non-lichenized pyrenomycetes of Sweden. Btjtryck, Lund, Sweden, 208 pages.
Monod, M. 1983. Monographie taxonomique des Gnomoniaceae (Ascomycetes de l'ordre des Diaporthales). I. Beih. Sydowia 9: 1-315.?

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Björn Wergen, 08-03-2013 12:56
Björn Wergen
Re : Ophiognomonia nana

Yes, who ever has these articles, I would be very happy to have them too...

Chris Yeates, 08-03-2013 15:51
Chris Yeates
Re : Ophiognomonia nana
Nina, Björn
for the Monod, check your emails ;-)
I too would be interested in the Eriksson . . . .

Nina Filippova, 08-03-2013 16:16
Re : Ophiognomonia nana
Thanks, Chris. I've received it.
Alain GARDIENNET, 08-03-2013 17:47
Re : Ophiognomonia nana

Only one Gnomoniella is known on Betula leaves : G. nana.
 But your ascospores are slightly too long. But what could be else ?
Yes, Sogonov and al. have combined it, and it's a little surprising but scientifical, in Ophiognomonia.
PS : Chris has been too quick for the doc :)
Luc Bailly, 08-03-2013 20:44
Luc Bailly
Re : Ophiognomonia nana
Hi Chris, and hi all,
I'd be interested in Monod's monography also.

Cheers - LUC.
Enrique Rubio, 08-03-2013 21:04
Enrique Rubio
Re : Ophiognomonia nana
And me too, Chris
Thnks in advance
Luc Bailly, 08-03-2013 23:34
Luc Bailly
Re : Ophiognomonia nana
I got it. Thanks, Chris.
Gernot Friebes, 08-03-2013 23:43
Re : Ophiognomonia nana
I'd be interested as well. :-)

Best wishes,