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04-01-2025 16:08

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi!Anyone that has this one: Lowen, R. 1989. Two n

01-01-2025 13:45

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio


01-01-2025 11:35

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On rotten wood of Fraxinus excelsior I

02-01-2025 17:05

Jean-Luc Ranger

je ne trouve pas de correspondance pour cette form

30-12-2024 15:53

Jean-Luc Ranger

Je pense être dans ce genre mais sans certitude:

31-12-2024 15:39

Jean-Paul Priou Jean-Paul Priou

Tout d'abord, meilleurs voeux de bonne santé à t

30-12-2024 23:57

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi! This one i have hard to find anything on. Does

31-12-2024 15:12

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,Pourriez-vous me conf

15-12-2024 15:44

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Here is a Lachnum found on dead branches of Erica

15-12-2024 14:34

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

HI. Found this very small cf. Olla specie on deco

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Discomiceto sobre Rhytidhysteron
Esquivel-Rios Eduardo, 17-10-2012 02:10
Hi All

Recintemente encontre este hongo creciendo sobre R. rufulum, algunos apotecios crecen directamente sobre los Histeriotecios. Ascosporos globosos, hialinos, 3 - 5 micras, uniseriados, no reaccion amiloide. Tal vez alguien podria ayudar en la identificacion.
  • message #20034
  • message #20034
  • message #20034
  • message #20034
  • message #20034
John Plischke, 17-10-2012 02:47
John Plischke
Re : Discomiceto sobre Rhytidhysteron
Unguiculariopsis ravenelii = Pithyella hamata Growing on Eutryblidiella hysterina = Rhytidhysteron hysterinum

Esquivel-Rios Eduardo, 17-10-2012 04:33
Re : Discomiceto sobre Rhytidhysteron
Yes. this fungi was reported in Panama as parasitic on R. rufulum.
Alain GARDIENNET, 17-10-2012 07:43
Re : Discomiceto sobre Rhytidhysteron
Yes it is, probably.
After reading Zhuang in Mycotaxon 32, we see that there is U. ravenelii subsp. ravenelii on R. rufulum (in America) and U. ravenelii subsp. hamata on R. hysterinum (in France and Asia).
But there is Unguiculariopsis hysterigena on R. rufulum (in Asia) . A complete description of your fungus would be useful even if we can believe that it is ravenelii.