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03-10-2024 20:56

Margot en Geert Vullings

These orange discs were found in September on mois

04-10-2024 17:08

Birgit Lüthje

I just found a very similar ascomycet on a heap of

05-10-2024 15:55

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Humaria hemisphaeric

01-10-2024 17:02

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Habitat and macro suggest Chlorociboria.• P

01-10-2024 16:15

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

.. on deciduous twig, on and near old specimens of

01-10-2024 11:14


Bonjour,La semaine dernière en réoltant des mycÃ

30-09-2024 22:15

Alan Smith

I found a 'forest' of hair-like structures on the

29-09-2024 13:17

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggested Ciboria, and C. ba

22-09-2024 20:24

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Dear all, I did found this one on on S. acauli

08-09-2024 21:31

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Stromatised substrate and macro like genus Rut

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Stamnaria plus Titaeospora
Erwin Gruber, 24-01-2011 01:21
I posted the following entry at the item "sur prele" some hours ago:

Bonjour cher collegues de mycologie!
My name is Erwin Gruber, i am an Austrian Botanist and have got much information about stamnaria spp. and their relation to Equisetum spp. Unfortunately i don't speak French at all.
I did my master-thesis about this mysterious genus some years ago, and look forward to publish the results (5 new taxa) quite soon.
As i know, S. persoonii and equiseti are truly synonymous, but i would prefer to protect the later epithet persoonii for some reasons.
The images of Gilbert and Jean-Marc (27.06.08) do represent true S. persoonii on Equisetum fluviatile. (Z)otto's pretty delineations of "HB 3186" is another, yet ineditioned species, i discussed this fact with him per email.
Further fotos of Renè and Gilbert show quite typical apothecia of S. persoonii / Eq. fluviatile.
The species usually grows on decaying E. fluviatile, but in rare cases E. arvense, - I never found stamnaria on E. palustre till now, despite i proved very many specimen!
I told Enrique, that his S. "americana" from Asturia, Spain is another species as well, and that there is a valid epithet for a new combination.
Any "New Species" i found should be present in France, i bet some of them will be detected this year!
With kind greetings,

Erwin Gruber, 24-01-2011 01:44
Stamnaria plus Titaeospora
Just a week ago i found Stamnaria americana to grow in a new place in Austria, Styria, where i had found only it's anamorph before. Very close to this place is another location with Equisetum hyemale bearing masses of Titaeospora-Konidia. This population has not ever shown the corresponding S. americana-Teleomorph despite i controlled it for some years.
It is quite myraculous, that two very close populations at identic surrounding conditions are differnt in way of propagation - sexual / asexual.
Could it be, that some populations just lack the neccessary sexual crossing-partner?
Maybe someone can answer this question.
I am sorry, because tried in vain to add Fotos in right size!
Marja Pennanen, 24-01-2011 09:50
Re:Stamnaria plus Titaeospora
Hello Erwin,

it would be nice to see the photos!
You should resize your photos-actually reduce their size to 600-700x400-500 pixels.
Sometimes they won't still show. Then continue by reducing a bit more and modify the message.

NC NC, 24-01-2011 13:40
Re:Stamnaria plus Titaeospora
Hello Marja, Christian, Michel,

I will try again to post slightly more reduced images, if it wont work i will accept Christian's and
Michel's kind offer to aid - thank you!

To Marja- I think to have seen (plus made some "description") of a similar "Hymenoscyphus" on Equisetum from Finland. The specimen lacks further apothecia, maybe i can find my description at University in Graz, so i could tell you details about.
Kind greetings
  • message #14039
Erwin Gruber, 24-01-2011 13:45
Re:Stamnaria plus Titaeospora
Ok. let' try once more to post a photo
  • message #14040
Erwin Gruber, 24-01-2011 14:19
Re:Stamnaria plus Titaeospora
Hello Marja, Christian, Michel

Thank you for your replies, and offers to help me in image-posting!
As i see it works to post only one small image.
Should i post items at the Databank about S. americana and Titaeospora (equiseti), or send a few size-reduzed images plus complete sample-data to Christian for that purpose?
I would send pictures in size 640x480 and 700x525 in the latter case.

Marja, some time ago i proofed an apothecium of "cf. Hymenoscyphus sp." on Equisetum from Finland, i found it in GZU - Univ. Graz. The Specimen is exhausted, got no more ascocarps, but i made a "description" which might be found again at Univ.
As i remember it got quite big spores, i could not determinate it with certainty, and it might be the same as your discussed specimen.
When i find my notations you will get detailed information at the page of your item.

Kind greetings
Christian Lechat, 25-01-2011 08:16
Christian Lechat
Re:Stamnaria plus Titaeospora
here is the plate of Stamnaria and Titaeospora
  • message #14056
Erwin Gruber, 13-05-2016 21:53
Re : Stamnaria plus Titaeospora
A long time has passed since my last activity here.