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14-05-2016 10:58

Yatsiuk Iryna Yatsiuk Iryna

Hello, all,I have no idea about it.Found in spring

31-03-2014 05:52

Björn Wergen Björn Wergen

Hi friends,does anybody have this work?Hyde, K.D.

15-05-2016 07:58

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonjour à tous,Hier, en bordure de ruisseau acide

15-05-2016 13:06

Leandro Sánchez Leandro Sánchez

Sur Alnus/Corylus, diamètre max 1,5 mmAsques x8,

15-05-2016 13:19

Rubén Martínez-Gil Rubén Martínez-Gil

Hola a todos. Subo unas fotos de un asco que enco

15-05-2016 02:06

Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

Hi - I recently sequenced one of my collections f

14-05-2016 10:57

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour, Trouvé au sol, sur feuille d' Andromeda

13-05-2016 21:07

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Please, could you help me with this paper? Fungi

14-05-2016 15:00

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, les parece que sea la que propongo, las medi

20-08-2014 21:35

Marja Pennanen

Hello folks,these beautyful ascos grow on a river

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Violet-brown disco on burnt ground
Yatsiuk Iryna, 14-05-2016 10:58
Yatsiuk IrynaHello, all,
I have no idea about it.
Found in spring, on burnt ground. Fruitbodies up to 0,8 cm in diam, grey when dry, violet-brown when rehydrated, with white crusty margin. Fruitboies were dry when collected.
In IKI exuding strong violet pigment.
Numerous anchoring hyphae are present at the base.
Asci 8-spored, 10-13 um wide, length I cannot measure properly, not blueing in iodine.
Paraphyses branching, containing brown pigment, 3-5 um wide. 
Spores smooth, sometimes containing one strongly refractive central guttule, 10-13.5*6.3-8.0 um.
What do you think?
  • message #42670
  • message #42670
  • message #42670
  • message #42670
Yatsiuk Iryna, 14-05-2016 11:00
Yatsiuk Iryna
Re : Violet-brown disco on burnt ground
  • message #42671
Yatsiuk Iryna, 14-05-2016 11:04
Yatsiuk Iryna
Re : Violet-brown disco on burnt ground
Ascus, paraphyses. Cross-section (in IKI, at first it turns violet, than red-brown)
  • message #42672
  • message #42672
  • message #42672
Hans-Otto Baral, 14-05-2016 11:05
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Violet-brown disco on burnt ground
Hi Irina
do you mean extruding violet pigment in KOH or in IKI?

I am quite sure it is an operculate species.

The drops in the spores are not lipidic but gaseous (DBBs).

Yatsiuk Iryna, 14-05-2016 11:14
Yatsiuk Iryna
Re : Violet-brown disco on burnt ground
Dear Zotto,
I mean in IKI. I noticed it when in checked asci for IKI-reaction. I haven't studied it in KOH. In water it didn't show this strong violet colour.
Thank you for notice about drops, is it not valuable feature than?
Best regards,
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 14-05-2016 11:17
Re : Violet-brown disco on burnt ground
Maybe a Pseudombrophila species...
Yatsiuk Iryna, 14-05-2016 11:18
Yatsiuk Iryna
Re : Violet-brown disco on burnt ground
I thought about Greletia species first, but paraphyses seems not fit.
Best regards,
Yatsiuk Iryna, 14-05-2016 11:22
Yatsiuk Iryna
Re : Violet-brown disco on burnt ground
Thank you for the idea, Nicolas, I'll check keys for Pseudombrophila. 

Hans-Otto Baral, 14-05-2016 11:52
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Violet-brown disco on burnt ground
The presence of DBBs strongly depend upon the method. You never see them in fresh samples because they are absent there. Obviously you rehydrated herbarium material.
Also when you add Melzer or cottonblue/lactic acid to a fresh sample you will get DBBs (some kind of vacuum) because water is extracted from the spores.
Yatsiuk Iryna, 16-05-2016 11:45
Yatsiuk Iryna
Re : Violet-brown disco on burnt ground
Thank you, Zotto,
Fruitbodies were collected already in the dead state.
Best regards,