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20-05-2016 19:20

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Hi to all This fungus forms subcuticular pseudoth

20-05-2016 11:20

ACAR ismail ACAR ismail

Hi allon leaves and buds of Populus sp.ascomata sm

19-05-2016 19:11

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Hi again Could yo help me with this fungus on ste

20-05-2016 12:19

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

en una rama en la que hay dos  especies, esta apa

19-05-2016 14:03

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

en madera sin identificarMe recuerda al L. subvirg

18-05-2016 18:11

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonsoir à tous, Je renvoie ce message car appare

19-05-2016 12:36

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

en tronco de quercus muy descomnpuestoNo tengo ni

19-05-2016 18:30

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

... found in the Bavarian Forest near Frauenau, ab

18-05-2016 12:09

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Hi to all These minute (up to 0.35 mm) urceolate

19-05-2016 07:55

Jean-Louis JALLA Jean-Louis JALLA

La SMAM (Société Mycologique André Marchand) or

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More fungi on Arundo donax
Enrique Rubio, 20-05-2016 19:20
Enrique RubioHi to all

This fungus forms subcuticular pseudothecia (¿?) under the periderm of stems of Arundo donax. These pulvinate and ostiolate ascomata, arranged in longitudinal lines, are singly or situated on small stromata with some other ones, 0.4-1.5 mm long, up to 0.15 mm high.

The 8-spored asci are cylindrical and I think they are bitunicate altough I can see maybe a small structure near the apex. The golden brown bi-cellular ascospores and the pseudoparaphyses are showed in the pics. I tough could be a Didymella or a close related genus, but I don't know a good genus for this collection.

Have you some ides for it?

Thanks again

  • message #42846
  • message #42846
  • message #42846
Jacques Fournier, 20-05-2016 19:39
Jacques Fournier
Re : More fungi on Arundo donax
Hpla Enrique,
not sure but your fungus looks like a Roussoella. If so the spores should be delicately longitudinally ribbed, it's difficult to see if the preparation is not very thin.
The smaller spores with broadly rounded ends would fit R. donacicola (Speg.) Ju, Rogers & Huhndorf which is common on this host. The slightly larger and more narrowly elliipsoid are less typical of this species and recall a  tropical species, R. chiangraina (in Phytotaxa 181(1), 2014).


Enrique Rubio, 20-05-2016 20:46
Enrique Rubio
Re : More fungi on Arundo donax

Hi Jacques

Fantastic! I feel you are right, although the faint striate ornamentation is hardly visible. But the rest of the generic characters fits well with this fungus.

Thanks a lot!