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01-06-2021 15:35

Chris Yeates Chris Yeates

Bonjour tous I am just checking that this is what

29-05-2021 21:43

Guy Buddy

Hello, This fungus was growing on Betula leaves in

27-05-2021 16:17

Thomas Læssøe

01-06-2021 09:03

Thomas Læssøe

29-05-2021 21:54

Guy Buddy

Hello, This fungus was growing in a swampy area wi

19-05-2021 16:44

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

Recolectada en Galicia en corteza de AcaciaPienso

30-05-2021 13:32

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Dear friendsDo you have some idea that could help

30-05-2021 13:26

Viktorie Halasu Viktorie Halasu

Hello forum,would anyone please have the descripti

28-05-2021 21:12

Juuso Äikäs

These were growing with the yellow ones that I add

28-05-2021 18:41

Juuso Äikäs

Today I found some nice yellow Lachnums growing on

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Urceolella carestiana
Chris Yeates, 01-06-2021 15:35
Chris Yeates
Bonjour tous

I am just checking that this is what we would refer to as "typical" Urceolella carestiana.

Collected on damp dead rachides of Athyrium filix-femina; glassy hairs as in accompanying image, dissolving in 5% KOH; asci 8-spored, with croziers, pore IKI blue; ascospores showing quite a range of shapes 8.6-12.2 x 2-3µm.

As ever comments very welcome

  • message #68997
  • message #68997
  • message #68997
  • message #68997
  • message #68997
  • message #68997
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2021 17:07
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Urceolella carestiana
I think it is typical, yes.
Chris Yeates, 01-06-2021 18:04
Chris Yeates
Re : Urceolella carestiana
Thanks Zotto!