20-01-2007 13:19
Dmitry GavryushinJan. 07, 2007, on a broken and split trunk of a yo
20-01-2007 13:14
Dmitry GavryushinJan. 14, 2007, on fallen catkins of Salix. Size 0.
13-01-2007 12:19
Dmitry GavryushinJan. 07, 2007. Size up to 4 mm, 1 to 2 mm across.
13-01-2007 00:10
Javier OrmadEn zona arenosa incendiada hace año y medio, sobr
11-01-2007 19:56
Dmitry GavryushinJan. 07, 2007, on a dead spider (Linyphiidae?), sm
11-01-2007 19:53
Dmitry GavryushinJan. 03, 2007, town park, on a dead stem of Urtica
Two fungi on Betula
Dmitry Gavryushin,
20-01-2007 13:19
Yellow fungi, size up to 3 mm.
Perz Piotr,
20-01-2007 13:50
Re:Two fungi on Betula
The first one seems to be Bisporella citrina.
Dmitry Gavryushin,
22-01-2007 09:18
Re:Two fungi on Betula
Many thanks Piotr - just as I supposed...