06-03-2025 23:27

Hello!I have a collection of Asterosporium asteros

06-03-2025 21:53

Hello, I found a very abundant Phaeosphaeria on t

04-03-2025 15:38

Found on I what I think is Phyllostachys aurea, mo

06-03-2025 11:45
Wim de GrootSeveral smal patches of Hypoxylon ticinense (sl?)

06-03-2025 17:23
Found 13/2/25 on moss, very far away, only almond

30-06-2018 14:36
Jan KnuimanGrowing on a rotten twig of a broadleaf tree (Sali

03-03-2025 08:10
Juuso ÄikäsI recently found these quite small fruitbodies gro

05-03-2025 08:53
Thomas LæssøeWith hyper fusiform-pointy spores.https://svampe.d

03-03-2025 08:20

Une idée sur ces petites boules blanches sur mou
Malcolm Greaves,
23-01-2025 15:46
With a dark head and paler brown squamulose stem it was looking like just a G fallax.
The paraphyses were very variable with some straight some curved some with a swollen apex and others with almost no swelling.
The spores are the problem. None that I could find had more than 7 septa and most had less than that. There were a lot that were the normal shape with a maximum length of 70 but the majority 50-60. There were also a large number of much shorter and fatter spores up to 8 wide.
Is this a deformed fallax or something more special.
Asci blued with KOH.
Luc Lenaerts,
23-01-2025 18:37
Re : Geoglossum
Hello, with the apical dark pear- to spherical thickenings in the paraphyses and the other characteristics it corresponds possibly with Geoglossum vleugelianum.
Kind regards
Luc Lenaerts
Kind regards
Luc Lenaerts
Jean-Luc Ranger,
24-01-2025 18:17
Malcolm Greaves,
25-01-2025 13:10
Re : Geoglossum
Thanks both. I felt it was distinct enough to be something identifiable but it looks as though that is not the case. Jean-Luc are you saying that the paraphyses should be agglutinated for vleugelianum?
Luc Lenaerts,
27-01-2025 17:20
Re : Geoglossum
What are the colours of the paraphyses in water?
Kind regards
Luc Lenaerts
What are the colours of the paraphyses in water?
Kind regards
Luc Lenaerts
Jean-Luc Ranger,
28-01-2025 10:27
Re : Geoglossum
Oui ma photo a été prise dans l'eau, voici 2 citations: SVENSK BOTANISK TIDSKRIFT. BD 61, H. 3. 1967.three new swedish species of geoglossum. BY NILS HAKELIER. However, the paraphyses of G. vleugelianum are shorter, less robust, darker, remotely septate and inspersed with amorphous brown matter.
La familia Geoglossaceae ss. str. en la península Ibérica y la Macaronesia Sabina arauzo & Placido Iglesias 2014
Esta recolecta coincide bastante bien con la descripción original de Nannfeldt, la forma de las paráfisis se ajusta perfectamente a la dibujada por el autor sueco. Sin embargo algunas dudas surgieron en la determinación ya que en el protólogo se menciona que las paráfisis están inmersas en materia amorfa marrón, mientras que en el material estudiado esta materia es muy tenue o ausente. Esto puede deberse a que en algunas especies la cantidad de materia amorfa entre las paráfisis puede aumentar con el proceso de herborización y posterior rehidratación o con la fase de maduración de los apotecios. Nannfeldt describe esta especie a partir de una antigua recolecta de herbario lo que podría explicar esta diferencia. Eckblad (1963) también describe la especie sin mencionar nada sobre materia amorfa e indicando paráfisis no adherentes.
La familia Geoglossaceae ss. str. en la península Ibérica y la Macaronesia Sabina arauzo & Placido Iglesias 2014
Esta recolecta coincide bastante bien con la descripción original de Nannfeldt, la forma de las paráfisis se ajusta perfectamente a la dibujada por el autor sueco. Sin embargo algunas dudas surgieron en la determinación ya que en el protólogo se menciona que las paráfisis están inmersas en materia amorfa marrón, mientras que en el material estudiado esta materia es muy tenue o ausente. Esto puede deberse a que en algunas especies la cantidad de materia amorfa entre las paráfisis puede aumentar con el proceso de herborización y posterior rehidratación o con la fase de maduración de los apotecios. Nannfeldt describe esta especie a partir de una antigua recolecta de herbario lo que podría explicar esta diferencia. Eckblad (1963) también describe la especie sin mencionar nada sobre materia amorfa e indicando paráfisis no adherentes.
Luc Lenaerts,
28-01-2025 12:10
Re : Geoglossum
My question about the coloration of the paraphyses in water was actually meant for Malcolm. What is the color of the paraphyses in his specimens?
Brown amorphous mass between the paraphyses is present in almost all samples of Geoglossum to a greater or lesser extent.
I have examined 4 of the 5 specimens of the holotype of G.vleugelianum. The paraphyses in the specimens of the holotype are 6-10 µm wide at the apex. The color in water was grayish and can no longer be assessed in these old specimens. One of the five specimens was G. starbaeckii.
Kind regards
Luc Lenaerts
My question about the coloration of the paraphyses in water was actually meant for Malcolm. What is the color of the paraphyses in his specimens?
Brown amorphous mass between the paraphyses is present in almost all samples of Geoglossum to a greater or lesser extent.
I have examined 4 of the 5 specimens of the holotype of G.vleugelianum. The paraphyses in the specimens of the holotype are 6-10 µm wide at the apex. The color in water was grayish and can no longer be assessed in these old specimens. One of the five specimens was G. starbaeckii.
Kind regards
Luc Lenaerts