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Mot de passe perdu? S'inscrire

07-07-2024 10:07

Thomas Flammer

I am struggeling with some tiny yellowish apotheci

04-07-2024 21:30

Thomas Læssøe

06-07-2024 21:49

Joaquin Martin

Hello, I found this Scutellinia on Fagus, on very

05-07-2024 12:18

Peter Welt Peter Welt

Search the following article:  Seth, H.K. 1971.

05-07-2024 11:27

Thomas Læssøe

28-06-2024 10:50

Thomas Læssøe

Spores ca. 47 x 32 µm, 2-celled, highly constrict

05-07-2024 00:46

Villalonga Paco

1 cm growing on herbaceous material (Carex sp?) in

30-06-2024 14:17

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

HelloSur bois mort d'Alnus en milieu humide (bord

17-05-2024 16:25

Pavel Jiracek

Erioscyphella lunata, found on a fallen needle of

01-07-2024 17:16

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Salut.Quelques discomycètes rougeâtres entre 1,5

« < 1 2 3 4 5 > »
Search article
Peter Welt, 05-07-2024 12:18
Peter Welt
Search the following article: 

Seth, H.K. 1971. The genus Lophotrichus Benjamin. Nova Hedwigia. 19:591-599


LOCQUIN-LINARD M., 1977. A propos des genres non ostioles places dans la famille des Microascaceae (Ascomycetes). Revue de Mycol. (Paris) 41: 509-523

Who can help? Thanks
Martin Bemmann, 06-07-2024 13:02
Peter Welt, 06-07-2024 13:27
Peter Welt
Re : Search article
Danke Martin. Gruß Peter