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11-01-2022 16:36

Jason Karakehian Jason Karakehian

Hi does anyone have a digital copy of Raitviir A (

17-07-2024 08:35

Peter Welt Peter Welt

Who can help? Malloch, D.; Hubart, J.-M. 1987. An

16-07-2024 18:32

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonsoir, Un discomycète sur Liochlaena lanceolat

24-08-2020 13:00

Yulia Lytvynenko Yulia Lytvynenko

Dear friends.Looking for a copy of the following w

11-07-2024 14:29

Viktorie Halasu Viktorie Halasu

Hello, a thin-fleshed Mollisia on a monocot stem

15-07-2024 10:38

Joaquin Martin

Hi, I found this Ascobolus in company of Cheilyme

14-07-2024 18:23

Joaquin Martin

Hi,I found this Ascomycete on horse dung.The spora

13-07-2024 19:50

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I have identified this fungus as Hamatocanth

08-07-2024 23:34

Villalonga Paco

Small Scutellinia growing in garden soil (calcareo

12-07-2024 02:12

Stefan Jakobsson

On a wet lake shore I found a single minute apothe

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Literature search
Andgelo Mombert, 25-02-2024 14:16
Andgelo MombertBonjour,

Je cherche la description de Nectria nummulariae : Teng, Sinensia, Shanghai 4: 274 (1934).

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

François Valade, 25-02-2024 17:02
François Valade
Re : Literature search
Nectria Nummulariae Teng, sp. nov.
Gregaria; peritheciis superficialibus, subovoideis, saepe
bilateraliter collabascentibus, levibus, sanguineis, demum fuscentibus,
150-220  µ diam.; ascis cylindraceis, subsessilibus, octosporis,
aparaphysatis, 75-90 x 7-8 µ; sporidiis monostichis, oblongo-
ellipsoideis, uniseptatis, non- vel leviter constrictis, biguttulatis,
verruculosis, hyalinis, dein rufescentibus, 10-14x 5-7 µ
Perithecia gregarious, subovoid, often bilaterally collapsing,
smooth, blood-red, turning. brownish in age, 150-220 µ diam.,
asci cylindric, subsessile, 75-90 X7-8 µ; spores uniseriate, oblongellipsoid,
distinctly warted, non- or slightly constricted, bigutiulate,
at first hyaline, later rufescent, 10-14X5-7 µ
On Nummularia sp.
KlANGSU: Nanking, Shen 410

CHEKIANG: Hangchow, Deng 361 type

This species is related to N. episphaeria (Tode) Fr. but
differs from the latter in the size and sculpture of the spores.
lt also resembles N. Rickii Rehm. But the collapsing perithecia, the uniseriate spores, etc. distinguish it from the latter.
Andgelo Mombert, 25-02-2024 19:02
Andgelo Mombert
Re : Literature search
Merci beaucoup François !