09-01-2025 20:35
Miguel Ángel RibesGood afternoon This small pink ascomycete, 2 mm i
10-01-2025 11:24
Wim de GrootWe found this small black spots on perennial stem
10-01-2025 03:04
Masanori KutsunaHello, Does anyone have following article and cou
09-01-2025 17:28
Yanick BOULANGERBonsoirRécolté par un ami sur un tilleulJ'ai tr
06-01-2025 16:54
Karl Soler KinnerbäckHi! Found this small disco on herbaceous stems in
05-01-2025 15:38
Adam PolhorskýHello, can anyone provide this work? Samuels GJ (
07-01-2025 05:40
Tomaz VuckoGreetings everyone!Would perhaps someone here reco
05-01-2025 12:44
Petra EimannHello all,Found on 04.12.2024 from a mixed deciduo
In an holly leaf spot
Thierry Blondelle,
19-07-2023 21:58
In a section of a spot leaf of Ilex aquifolium, I observed what I did not expect. No asci or spores of Trochila ilicina but an intraepidermal formation shaped like an urn and releasing numerous spores or conidiaby a kind of ostiola. Hera are some photos. What do you think ?
Enrique Rubio,
20-07-2023 10:07
Re : In an holly leaf spot
Thierry Blondelle,
20-07-2023 15:00
Re : In an holly leaf spot
Hi Enrique
Thank you for your help. So there would be 2 species on the same leaf ? I'll do a few more macros to confirm.
Thank you for your help. So there would be 2 species on the same leaf ? I'll do a few more macros to confirm.
Enrique Rubio,
20-07-2023 18:31
Re : In an holly leaf spot
Hi Thierry
These are the two faces of the same fungus. The anamorphic and the teleomorphic stage of Phacidium lauri.
These are the two faces of the same fungus. The anamorphic and the teleomorphic stage of Phacidium lauri.
Thierry Blondelle,
20-07-2023 22:45
Enrique Rubio,
21-07-2023 18:23
Re : In an holly leaf spot
Yes. I think so.