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24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

24-07-2024 13:19

Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

21-07-2024 10:13

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolte sur branchette de Castanea dans u

19-07-2024 10:24

Kozak Robert

Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

21-07-2024 10:28

Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

Which Peziza did I find on horse dung in Humboldt

19-07-2024 11:08

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good morningThis Scutellinia from July 9 grew at 1

21-07-2024 06:23

Masanori Kutsuna

Dear all, Does anyone have these papers and send

08-07-2024 23:34

Villalonga Paco

Small Scutellinia growing in garden soil (calcareo

« < 1 2 3 4 5 > »
Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
Zuidland Peter, 14-07-2021 09:14
I have been surveying my region for Octosporas and I keep finding this small yellow cup in the same moss and in no other situation, can someone please assist with an ID?

Asci: approx 130 x 10um, faint blueing of the pore in MLZ
Spores: 11.2 - 15.3(13.6) x 3.1 - 4.5(3.9); Q = 3.5

Many thanks

  • message #69451
  • message #69451
  • message #69451
  • message #69451
  • message #69451
  • message #69451
  • message #69451
Hans-Otto Baral, 14-07-2021 09:55
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
This requires clarification of the host, whether a bryophyte or a dicot or monocot stem or leaf, or on a woody fragment.

Clearly a Hymenoscyphus s.l., but not sure which. The ascus base should be studied for croziers. I understand your ascus measurements in living state, not in MLZ.

Perhaps it is H. peruni which I only know from woody substrate. Or H. repandus.

Maybe I miss a bryophilous species in my mind. Yes: Patrice Tanchaud found something similar in I.2012 on indet. mosses in a burnt site with spores 11-22 x 2,5-4 µm.

My folder is "peruni-like on moss" in "Phaeohelotium menthae group".
Zuidland Peter, 15-07-2021 00:01
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
Many thanks for such a rapid reply Hans-Otto.

I still have some fresh specimens and can check Cr later today.

I don't know how to access your folders, can you point the way please.


Josep Torres, 15-07-2021 00:40
Josep Torres
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
Zuidland Peter, 15-07-2021 07:16
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
Thanks very much for the link Josep, much appreciated.
From that folder it does look like peruni.

Below are some Asci base images in KOH; as a rank amatuer, I am rarely confident when making this decision but I think the base attachment is a simple one...Cr-ve.

The 4 local Octospora sp's I see are on: Campylopus introflexus, Didymodon vinealis, Weissia sp., Pleuridium accuminatum and Pleuridium sublatum. The insitu photo I used shows this yellow cup on Campylopus introflexus.

I hope the above helps.
Take care all, Pete

  • message #69463
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  • message #69463
  • message #69463
Hans-Otto Baral, 15-07-2021 08:09
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
The photos are too reduced to see enough. Perhaps you can send larger cutouts?
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 15-07-2021 11:22
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
I have a similar collection without identification, but it has bigger ascospores:

Miguel Ángel
Hans-Otto Baral, 15-07-2021 12:33
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
I was always thinking I miss something. Now it is clear, see my folder "phascoides aff., large yellow" in the Bryoscyphus folder., go Ascomycetes, Helotiales, Heloitiaceae.

In January Torsten Richter suggested the name Bryoscyphus bryi spec. nov. Photographs are by Matthias Reul. Miguel-Angel, I imagine yours could be the same?
Zuidland Peter, 16-07-2021 01:57
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
Yes, that certainly looks the same.
Sorry for the delay, I had to learn some new things but here are some images of the base of the asci's showing Cr. 
Thank for the website link, it is saved for future needs.
This is not a published name yet?

Thank you very much, great help as always.

All the best

  • message #69474
  • message #69474
  • message #69474
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 16-07-2021 12:23
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
Yes, it looks the same species.

And this another one, from 2012, with pictures in your folder, Zotto, looks similar too:

Miguel Ángel

Hans-Otto Baral, 16-07-2021 12:37
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
Links to Ascofrance do not work in my computer since some days.  You think there are two different species?
Mirek Gryc, 16-07-2021 14:38
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
Try through ".com"




Hans-Otto Baral, 16-07-2021 16:02
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
Yeah, this works, Mirek. But the links that I get by mail do not work. They have .fr/forum.

I never compared these finds thoroughly to find a clue how they fit or differ from each other.

Miguel, you wrote of a paper that you forgot, was that the SMMA Bulletin? What is the titele and author?
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 16-07-2021 19:53
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
Do you say that I have published this species in a paper? I don't remember.

Miguel Ángel
Hans-Otto Baral, 16-07-2021 21:51
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
I now understand that you referred to Michel's account in that bulletin, which is without a good name of the fungus.

A first approach would be to get a sequence in order to have an idea of a possible genus. I assume no such sequence exists.
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 17-07-2021 12:11
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re : Small, yellow, inoperculate cup with a long stem; ?Bryophyte
Maybe, but I don't have any project funding and I've already spent a lot of money lately.

Miguel Ángel