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24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

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Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

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Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

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Setoseptoria arundinacea/Lentithecium arundinaceum?
Riet van Oosten, 15-07-2018 17:56
Riet van Oosten

Found 14-07-2018 on Phragmites australis (dead stem).

Det.: Ellis & Ellis, p. 511 (Leptosphaeria arundinacea)

Spore sizes: 25.0-25.7-27.2 x 5.0-5.0-5.3 µm

Is this Setoseptoria arundinacea?

Greetings, Riet
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Chris Yeates, 16-07-2018 04:00
Chris Yeates
Re : Setoseptoria arundinacea (Lentithecium arundinaceum)?
Hello Riet

the habit, with pseudothecia arranged in lines looks OK, though I have some doubts. The spores seem a little on the small side for this species perhaps, and I always think of them with rather acute apices.

Still you could be correct - can you see a sheath? - particularly noticeable at the spore apices as here (arrowed):

best wishes


PS Jacques Fournier may be able to comment better than me . . .
  • message #54116
Riet van Oosten, 16-07-2018 12:07
Riet van Oosten
Re : Setoseptoria arundinacea (Lentithecium arundinaceum)?
Hello Chris,

Thank you for your help!
I will see if I can find sheaths. 

Best wishes, Riet
Alain GARDIENNET, 16-07-2018 14:10
Re : Setoseptoria arundinacea (Lentithecium arundinaceum)?


It's probably the fungus called Massarina arundinacea (Sow.: Fr.)Leuchtmann. But what is Massarina today ?

I don't know why this fungus is given synonym of L. arundinaceum (cf Mycobank). Easy to recognize the fungus, but difficult to name it correctly to my mind.


Chris Yeates, 16-07-2018 14:53
Chris Yeates
Re : Setoseptoria arundinacea (Lentithecium arundinaceum)?

another un labyrinthe de noms . . . The key paper (currently) seems to be Tanaka et al. "Revision of the Massarineae (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes)" in Studies in Mycology 82: 75-136.

Attached are a couple of relevant "screen-grabs".The transfer to the genus Setoseptoria is, the authors themselves admit, tentative.

It is interesting to note the comment at the end that this taxon may contain cryptic species; this may explain the differences between Riet's collection and mine, pictured above.

Amitiés / Vriendschappen

  • message #54120
  • message #54120
Riet van Oosten, 16-07-2018 18:10
Riet van Oosten
Re : Setoseptoria arundinacea/Lentithecium arundinaceum?
Thank you both for all the information, good to know!

Greetings, Riet
Riet van Oosten, 18-07-2018 16:50
Riet van Oosten
Re : Setoseptoria arundinacea/Lentithecium arundinaceum?
Follow-up ...

First picture, material 14-07-2018, spores with sheaths?

The other pictures material 12-07-2018

On 12-07-2018 I had collected material from another place in the same area (distance about 1000 m)

14-07-2018 dead culms near a river

12-07-2018 dead culms near a small pond, nearby the river.

Spores in the material 12-07-2018 with rather acute apices.

Also sheaths or is it an optical illusion?
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Chris Yeates, 18-07-2018 17:35
Chris Yeates
Re : Setoseptoria arundinacea/Lentithecium arundinaceum?
Hello Riet.

Surely no question this is arundinacea/arundinaceum. Which genus the species should be placed in is a bit more complicated - even the experts are not sure ;-).

best wishes

Riet van Oosten, 18-07-2018 19:03
Riet van Oosten
Re : Setoseptoria arundinacea/Lentithecium arundinaceum?
Hello Chris,
Thank you for all your help! :-)
Best wishes, Riet