23-01-2025 17:09
Karen PoulsenHi all Could this be P. merdae? Found on differe
22-01-2025 23:49
Fernández Borisov Juan PaulinoHello, I am from Spain and I am looking for this f
22-01-2025 13:56
Karl Soler KinnerbäckHi! I find this most resembling Scutellinia subhir
23-01-2025 07:54
Tony MoverleyHello,A recent foray in Norfolk, England found a g
22-01-2025 18:14
Jean-Luc RangerBonjour, J'ai trouvé sur une Helvella un feutrage
17-01-2025 17:20
David ChapadosHi, Would it be possible to find the species of t
22-01-2025 15:56
Vasileios KaounasFound in sandy soil, in forest with Pinus halepens
Strange paraphyses
Malcolm Greaves,
06-07-2016 13:49
The reason for this post is because many of the paraphyses are swollen not at the end but below the last septa some to 20µ. I can find no mention of this for any species in Schumacher so was just wondering if anyone else had seen this?
Michel Hairaud,
06-07-2016 14:22
Re : Strange paraphyses
Bonjour Malcolm,
This phenomenon called fortoulime (fortulism in ENglish ?) (swollen paraphyses) is rather frequent in the genus Peziza ( mostly in P. varia, but others too) and not so rare in Scutellinia .
In former posts on this Ascofrance forum, René Dougoud among others mentionned it and I already observed it several times in Scutellinia collections, particularly in wet conditions.
This phenomenon called fortoulime (fortulism in ENglish ?) (swollen paraphyses) is rather frequent in the genus Peziza ( mostly in P. varia, but others too) and not so rare in Scutellinia .
In former posts on this Ascofrance forum, René Dougoud among others mentionned it and I already observed it several times in Scutellinia collections, particularly in wet conditions.
Hans-Otto Baral,
06-07-2016 14:41
Re : Strange paraphyses
I also know this phenomenon but was unaware of the term. I correct to fortoulisme. Is this a French word and what is the root of it?
Michel Hairaud,
06-07-2016 14:53
Re : Strange paraphyses
After the mycologist Fortoul , from SOuth of France , I suppose he's the one who published with Donadini
Malcolm Greaves,
06-07-2016 16:00
Re : Strange paraphyses
Thanks. Of no help in the identification process so just hope the specimens mature and I can get a view of the ornamentation.
Malcolm Greaves,
07-07-2016 14:02
Re : Strange paraphyses
Not even sure if this was the same species but it was collected alongside the above specimen. This had a slightly convex surface but looked to have even shorter hairs so I thought it might be more mature and give better spores.
It did! The spores averaged 16 x 8.5 with small sometimes converging warts. This time I managed to heat in cotton blue and found the hoped for reaction and the outer layer came away from the spore.
Is this likely to be S minutella.
It did! The spores averaged 16 x 8.5 with small sometimes converging warts. This time I managed to heat in cotton blue and found the hoped for reaction and the outer layer came away from the spore.
Is this likely to be S minutella.