02-12-2024 16:13
Paul DiederichFlora of Lichenicolous FungiVolume 2 · Hyphomycet
23-12-2024 18:18
Rot BojanHello!I've been working with this small fungus for
23-12-2024 22:59
Lucian ClanetHello,I'm trying to find information about the Hyp
21-12-2024 12:45
Marc DetollenaereDear Forum,On naked wood of Fagus, I found some ha
23-12-2024 12:10
Bernard CLESSEBonjour à toutes et tous,Pourriez-vous m'aider à
17-03-2008 19:07
Une petite question sur un " dasy"blanc pur sur cône de Larix (sur le terrain, donné pour Lachnum virgineum )
Spores elliptiques 8,5-10 X 1,5-2 µm cont.lipid. 0
Asques à crochet IKIbb 40-52 X 5 µm
Paraphyses non refringentes (1 cloison) en lancette 3-5 µm dépassant les asques +5 à +12 µm
Poils 70-80 X 4-4,5 µm µm granuleux jusqu'à l'apex 3 cloisons mais pas de cristaux. Vu la description et la saison je penche fortement vers Lachnum impudicum mais est-ce possible sur Cône de Larix ?
Hans-Otto Baral,
18-03-2008 00:20
Hello Robert
the spores are too long for impudicum and the paraphyses a bit too wide. I think L. virgineum is not a bad determination although the hairs ar a bit short. Do the hairs have any apical inflation? L. impudicum has a slight head while virgineum not.
the spores are too long for impudicum and the paraphyses a bit too wide. I think L. virgineum is not a bad determination although the hairs ar a bit short. Do the hairs have any apical inflation? L. impudicum has a slight head while virgineum not.