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26-09-2024 17:25

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Does someone have a pdf of this paper? I have it

27-09-2024 17:01

Stephen Plummer

A poor photo, but is there enough here for someone

25-09-2024 22:18

Bometon Javier Bometon Javier

Apotecios 100 y 350 um, estipitados.Pararafisis la

25-09-2024 14:24

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Rutstroemia, and pos

23-09-2024 17:24

Karen Poulsen

Hi there, I found a few very small apothecia on o

24-09-2024 18:27

Pierre-Yves Julien

Récolte le 01/09/2024 – Paris (75) – France â

25-09-2024 20:07

François Bartholomeeusen

After I dipped a fallen Ilex leaf in water for a d

22-09-2024 20:24

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Dear all, I did found this one on on S. acauli

23-09-2024 20:46

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Gelatinodiscaeae.•

24-09-2024 11:35

Peter Welt Peter Welt

Search Looking for an item again. Who can help? T

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Asco on Tilia cordata
Per Vetlesen, 22-05-2016 21:41
It was found on bark of Tilia cordata in Stange, Norway.
Spores: 17 [18.2 ; 18.8] 20 x 6.8 [7.4 ; 7.8] 8.5 µm, Q = 2.2 [2.4 ; 2.5] 2.7 ; N = 23 ; C = 68%, Me = 18.5 x 7.6 µm ; Qe = 2.4
Asci: 77 [80.6 ; 86.4] 90 x 16.4 [17.4 ; 18.8] 19.8 µm, Q = 4.3 [4.5 ; 4.8] 4.9 ; N = 5 ; C = 68%, Me = 83.5 x 18.1 µm ; Qe = 4.6
Thanks in advance for any help.
  • message #42882
  • message #42882
  • message #42882
  • message #42882
  • message #42882
Eduard Osieck, 23-05-2016 23:23
Re : Asco on Tilia cordata
Hi Per,

Did you consider Peridiothelia fuliguncta which has similar spores and occurs on Tilia bark? It is described and illustrated by Hawksworth (1985): "A redisposition of the species referred to the ascomycete genus Microthelia" (Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Bot.) 14 (2): 43-181). I can mai you a copy of this paper.

Regards Eduard
Alain GARDIENNET, 24-05-2016 07:20
Re : Asco on Tilia cordata


Good guess from Eduard, I agree.

I posted photos in Ascofrance database.


PS : it's a fungus that is not exclusively lichenicolous.

Per Vetlesen, 24-05-2016 16:00
Re : Asco on Tilia cordata
Hi Eduard and Alain

I did not consider Peridiothelia fuliguncta, in fact I had no idea of what it was. There is a key and description of it in "Bulletin of the British Museum" 1985 by DAVID L. HAWKSWORTH, it fits very vel.
Still it would be great if you, Eduard, could email the paper you mentioned.
HAWKSWORTH writes: "Probably never lichenized".
Thank you very much for help.


Eduard Osieck, 24-05-2016 19:01
Re : Asco on Tilia cordata
Hi Per
Paper just sent.
Per Vetlesen, 24-05-2016 20:34
Re : Asco on Tilia cordata
Thanks a lot:-)