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14-04-2024 20:04

Manak Roman

Hi all,I have two very similar finding last weeken

18-05-2024 10:47

Anna Klos

Goodmorning,We found this tiny ascomycete (max. 1m

10-05-2024 17:40

Anna Klos

Good afternoon, Thursday during an inventory we f

17-05-2024 15:17


Bonjour, Un besoin d'aide pour ce Podospora (...?

17-05-2024 16:25

Pavel Jiracek

Erioscyphella lunata, found on a fallen needle of

29-01-2022 21:44

Jan Eckstein

Good evening, apothecia small, yellowish, 150-300

16-05-2024 11:19

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjour, j'ai récolté sur une branchette de feui

14-05-2024 09:19

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hi, I want to announce for next Sunday 17.00 middl

16-05-2024 11:49

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

De ayer en rama de abetoNo se por donde mirarA ver

14-05-2024 09:50

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Hi. Found on decorticated wod of Populus cf. alba

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Peroneutypa sp.
Peter Thompson, 30-01-2015 11:57
Hello Everyone,

I have found a sample of an ascomycete with long, black ostiolar necks and perithecia immersed in a creamy whitish stroma, growing on Acer pseudoplatanus. A photo is attached.

The microscopy (also attached) closely resembles that of Peroneutypa scoparia. The problem which I have is that P. scoparia is accompanied by erect, brown hyphae, which are absent from my sample.

I wonder if these hyphae are not always present, or if I have found another species either from the genus Peroneutypa or a closely related genus?

I would be grateful for some guidance in this matter.

Thank you,
With Best Wishes,
  • message #33438
  • message #33438
Eduard Osieck, 30-01-2015 13:38
Re : Peroneutypa sp.
Apparently they are not always present (cited from Rappaz 1987):

"Elles sont rassemblées sur la base de la taille des asques et des
ascospores, la présence d'un anneau apical amyloÏde bien visible, un
arrangement plus ou moins valsoÏde des périthèces et un stroma d'abord
très discret, puis marqué surtout par une nécrose de la surface du
bois ou de la partie supérieure du parenchyme, nécrose qui entraÎne un
décollement du périderme. Certaines collections montrent encore un
développement stromatique autour du point d'émergence des ostioles,
formant un disque ou un manchon d'hyphes à travers lequel les ostioles
émergent, manchon qui peut se prolonger en fascicules d'hyphes, de 1-2
mm de long, mélangés aux ostioles."

And in the description:
"Ostioles: le plus souvent collectivement émergents, tantôt très peu proéminents et plus
ou moins nettement fendus à cruciformes, tantôt cylindriques, proéminents parfois de 1-2 mm, entiers, fendus à l'apex, ou sur toute la longueur, diam. 100-200 ~m, souvent entourés par un feutre d'hyphes formant un disque duquel émergent des fascicules d'hyphes brun clair à brun-roux.

Do the other mentioned features fit with your collection?

Regards, Eduard
Peter Thompson, 30-01-2015 17:09
Re : Peroneutypa sp.
Hello Eduard,

Thank you for your reply.

From my understanding of the French, some, but not all of the features fit.

There is a black, stromatic line around the small, localised creamy white stroma, viewed from the underside.

I do not see any reaction to Melzers let alone the clearly visible reaction, as mentioned.
Also, I see no cruciform markings radiating from the tapering tips of the ostioles. This using a powerful torch and my dissecting microscope. 

My collection consists of some individual fruit bodies, some in pairs and others with between three and seven ostioles emerging from each of the stromata.

Does this help to clarify matters?

With Best Wishes,