06-03-2025 23:27

Hello!I have a collection of Asterosporium asteros

06-03-2025 21:53

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04-03-2025 15:38

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06-03-2025 11:45
Wim de GrootSeveral smal patches of Hypoxylon ticinense (sl?)

06-03-2025 17:23
Found 13/2/25 on moss, very far away, only almond

30-06-2018 14:36
Jan KnuimanGrowing on a rotten twig of a broadleaf tree (Sali

03-03-2025 08:10
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05-03-2025 08:53
Thomas LæssøeWith hyper fusiform-pointy spores.https://svampe.d

03-03-2025 08:20

Une idée sur ces petites boules blanches sur mou
Discinella boudieri?
Illescas Tomás,
23-01-2014 21:29

Apothécies récoltés le 12-1-2014 dans une dune fixée, en croissant dans des groupes serrés dans un chemin avec Pinus pinea et cistáceas à la proximité, jusq'a de 1 cm. de diamètre, avec un estipe immergé dans le sable.
La microscopie m'amène à Discinella boudieri, mais je remercierait votre confirmation.
Merçi en avance.
Tomás Illescas
Buenas noches a todos:
Apotecios recolectados el 12-1-2014 en duna fijada, creciendo en grupos apretados en un camino con Pinus pinea y cistáceas en las cercanías, hasta de 1 cm. de diámetro, con un estipe inmerso en la arena.
La microscopía me conduce a Discinella boudieri, pero agradecería vuestra confirmación.
Gracias y un saludo,
Tomás Illescas
Hans-Otto Baral,
23-01-2014 21:39

Re : Discinella boudieri?
Hi Thomas
yes, this is D. boudierii. Typical is the reddish IKI reaction of apical ring (blue after KOH). The asci should arise from croziers.
Some of your spores are dead (those in IKI and those which contain elongate, non-globose oil drops). They might be a little smaller than the living.
A plate of mine is in the paper on Roseodiscus formosus by Wischollek et al.
yes, this is D. boudierii. Typical is the reddish IKI reaction of apical ring (blue after KOH). The asci should arise from croziers.
Some of your spores are dead (those in IKI and those which contain elongate, non-globose oil drops). They might be a little smaller than the living.
A plate of mine is in the paper on Roseodiscus formosus by Wischollek et al.
Miguel Ángel Ribes,
23-01-2014 22:00

Re : Discinella boudieri?
Hi Zotto
Is it usual that hairy furfuraceous margin and sides?
Best wishes.
Is it usual that hairy furfuraceous margin and sides?
Best wishes.
Hans-Otto Baral,
23-01-2014 22:10
Miguel Ángel Ribes,
23-01-2014 22:15

Re : Discinella boudieri?
Thanks a lot.
Peter Püwert,
23-01-2014 23:54
Re : Discinella boudieri?
Hello with each other,
here a collage from D. boudieri from our distrikt. In the background the biotope, naked sandy soil, and in the neighborhood Octospora humosa (to see), Peziza, badia, Deconia montana, Pholiota mixta...... To see the hairy and furfuraceous margin too. Conspicous by all our finds are the presence from Cytisus scoparius.
Greetings Peter.
here a collage from D. boudieri from our distrikt. In the background the biotope, naked sandy soil, and in the neighborhood Octospora humosa (to see), Peziza, badia, Deconia montana, Pholiota mixta...... To see the hairy and furfuraceous margin too. Conspicous by all our finds are the presence from Cytisus scoparius.
Greetings Peter.
Illescas Tomás,
24-01-2014 08:51

Re : Discinella boudieri?
Thank you very much, everyone.
Tomás Illescas
Tomás Illescas
Illescas Tomás,
24-01-2014 08:58

Re : Discinella boudieri?
Exactly, Zotto.
The photos of microscopy are realized on one of the most developed specimens, almost immediately after the recollection, and I noticed that there were some dead spores
Curiously, yesterday I checked another specimen, after almost two weeks in the refrigerator, and all the spores that I saw were alive.
Thank you and a greeting,
Tomás Illescas
The photos of microscopy are realized on one of the most developed specimens, almost immediately after the recollection, and I noticed that there were some dead spores
Curiously, yesterday I checked another specimen, after almost two weeks in the refrigerator, and all the spores that I saw were alive.
Thank you and a greeting,
Tomás Illescas