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11-02-2012 06:50

Roland Labbé

Bonjour !  Voici une planche et une photo macro

24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

24-07-2024 13:19

Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

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Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolte sur branchette de Castanea dans u

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Kozak Robert

Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

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Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

Which Peziza did I find on horse dung in Humboldt

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Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good morningThis Scutellinia from July 9 grew at 1

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Masanori Kutsuna

Dear all, Does anyone have these papers and send

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Asci with 2 big spores
Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 08:30
yesterday I studied part of my new findings. Couldn't determine anything else but C. cyathoidea on ferns :(
These grow on some for me unfamiliar broadleaved grass or carex.
They are about 0,4-0,6 mm wide and broadly attatched.
  • message #12687
Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 08:40
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
When studying them I noticed a very big spore and thought, that its origin must be somewhere else, because with so big spores those asci I saw could be only 2.spored.
Suprisingly it was so.
The spores were about 30-40x5-7 and seemed to have sometimes 1 or 3 septas.
Asci were 60-85x9-12, IKI+.
The paraphyses were septate, branching and with irregulary swollen tips.
  • message #12688
Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 08:42
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
Heres one more photo.

I tried to find something, which would fit, but with no success...

  • message #12689
Hans-Otto Baral, 30-08-2010 13:00
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
Never heard of such a fungus. To clarify needs some more features:

- I can notice globose almost hyaline cells of the excipulum, anyhow, the fungus is sessile and should quite easily be sectioned with a razor blade. A view on a median section of the ectal excipuöum would surely help, on flanks and on margin.

- Oil immersion images of the spores and their contents. Are they non-septate inside the living asci?

- IKI reaction blue or red, how is the shape of the apical ring in dead asci, photo possible?

Nimbomollisia macrospora is the only I can guess, oh yes, it is, it has 2-spored asci! See f.ex. Schmid-ascomyceten im Bild 1&2_Page_145.jpg

The fungus is erumpent, if you dry them they should retract and get covered by lobes of epidermis.

Despite my identification please try to answer my questions because I feel that nobody ever described the vital features of this species, including myself.

Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 13:23
Re:Asci with 2 big spores

are you asking me to start shaving ;)
I see, what I can do, don't expect much.
Here's something from last night:
  • message #12708
Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 13:25
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
And one more.

I think I saw a spore with 1 septa inside the ascus, but I was far too tired last night to see anything clear...
I don't know the paper you mentioned, where can I find it?

So that I was hoping to go picking some edible mushrooms,,,
But the specimen can wait in fridge :)

  • message #12709
Hans-Otto Baral, 30-08-2010 13:31
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
your joke I did not understand :-(

The asci are very nice, fully alive, and in the upper I can see septa (not in the lower because of the disturbing scale...)

In IKI these are turgescent still which means that the apical wall is compressed and the ring shape not visible. In Schmi the ring shape is visible, so what I manly wish to know here is the colour, blue or red or something between.

Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 13:48
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
Blue, blue, electric blue in my eyes.

Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 15:33
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
I've got no preparation microscope nor three hands.
One is needed for the loupe, another for the blade and third for some needle or like that to take the pieces of the blade ;)
Anyway here's something.
  • message #12714
Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 15:34
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
  • message #12715
Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 15:36
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
Asci in Lugol,
It is a constant fight to get microphotos with my camera.
It just won't focus before tens and tens of trials and then the quality is like this:
  • message #12716
Hans-Otto Baral, 30-08-2010 16:29
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
Its quite good, thanks. I know the problem with focussing. With my Coolpix I need to see the object unsharp through the microscope ocular in order to get sharp photos! This is the opposite of confocal. But among 5-10 photos is usually a sharp one :-) Recommended is to switch out the automatic focus.

For making sections you need perhaps a "third hand", a apparatus which holds the lens. Of course a dissection microscope would be much superior.

Hans-Otto Baral, 30-08-2010 16:48
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
here is the Schmid pages
Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 20:08
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
Thanks :)

Even I can see, that at least my macro is actually much better than those on the Schmid pages ;)

Once again this seems to be a Petter Adolf Karsten-species.

Hans-Otto Baral, 30-08-2010 21:11
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
Do you have a higher resolution for your macro? I like it very much but it is a bit small.

P.S Schmid simply failed to better rehydrate the specmien. Or he should have made one dry and one rehydrated.
Marja Pennanen, 31-08-2010 08:04
Re:Asci with 2 big spores
Dear Zotto,

if there is something I can do for you, I'll do it, if I can ;)
I'll send you original photos later, now I got to run.
