15-02-2025 22:05

Hi!Anyone knows this?Conidia around 6-11 x 6-8 um,

08-03-2025 16:21
Yanick BOULANGERBonjourDialonectria episphaeria sur Diatrype stigm

09-03-2025 08:32
Me mandan el material seco de Galicia (España) re

08-03-2025 14:54
Ethan CrensonHello all, This is a recent find from New York Ci

08-03-2025 08:47

Hello AscoFrance, I believe I may have found the

06-03-2025 21:53

Hello, I found a very abundant Phaeosphaeria on t

06-03-2025 17:23
Found 13/2/25 on moss, very far away, only almond

06-03-2025 23:27

Hello!I have a collection with acervuli of Asteros

04-03-2025 15:38

Found on I what I think is Phyllostachys aurea, mo
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06-12-2004 14:24

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