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11-02-2012 06:50

Roland Labbé

Bonjour !  Voici une planche et une photo macro

24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

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Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

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Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

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Masanori Kutsuna

Dear all, Does anyone have these papers and send

« < 1 2 3 4 5 > »
Marja Pennanen, 24-08-2010 08:13
Hello again,

I picked some Typhula crassipes and studied the Epilobium stem home. Supprisingly (or maybe not...) I saw something more there.

They are about 0,2 to 0, 3 mm wide:
  • message #12567
Marja Pennanen, 24-08-2010 08:21
Re:Not an anamoph
I thoght, that they are surely some anamorphs, but put still one between classes to see, that it was worth studying. The views were strange to me and I couldn't find anything like this from my sources.

The spores are about 17-20x4-5 and can have a septa.
Asci are (as far as I can see them) 60-85x10-12 almoust invisible and with no IKI reaction.
So I'm in trouble as nearly always, when I meet something new: Marja
  • message #12568
Alain GARDIENNET, 24-08-2010 17:23
Re:Not an anamoph
Hi Marja,
It belongs perhaps to the genus Hydropisphaera (Bionectriaceae).
This recolt would interest someones, like Christian.
He comes back in two weeks.
I suggest you to recall the subject of this message : "Hydropisphaera ?"
Marja Pennanen, 24-08-2010 22:18
Hello Alain,

and thank you. So this is something new, which I should study more. No knowledge, what Bionectriaceae are... But maybe sometimes later, I was once again overcollecting today ;)

You suggestion has been completed, too ;)

Greetings: Marja
Christian Lechat, 25-08-2010 01:20
Christian Lechat
Hi, Marja
I agree with Alain, your fungus resembles to Hydropisphaera, could you please to make a vertical section? I would like to see if cells are thin walled or not.
All the best,
Marja Pennanen, 25-08-2010 08:17
Hi Christian,

thank you, but sorry, I can not make any sections-never done and the specimen has dried.
I'm really a beginner and my equipment and experience are very limited.
In fact I can't even imagine how a section of such a tiny fungus is done...

Anyway, here's a photo, where I imagine are some cells besides the spores:

Best wishes: Marja
  • message #12587
Marja Pennanen, 26-08-2010 10:17

how nicely things turn out. Now I found something similar on Urtica:
  • message #12592
Marja Pennanen, 26-08-2010 10:22
And having so much experience of the genus could guess, that it was Hydropisphaera too ;)
This had quite similar microscophy as the ealier.
But now I saw some endcells.

  • message #12593
Alain GARDIENNET, 26-08-2010 11:04
There are a few possibilities, H. arenula is a credible one (but spores are given in 14-16 x 3.5-4 µm).
You should make micro for both recolts because it isn't perhaps the same.
Describe the spores : are they smooth or not. With color (blue coton for example), you could see if they are striate, verrucose or else.
To make a vertical section, take a new razor blade, and cut in the median plan. Here is a section of a recent collection of Nectria lamyi. See Christian's ones, he is an expert in the matter !
Good luck !
  • message #12594
NC NC, 26-08-2010 12:05
that's a piece of beautiful modern art :)

So I tried, eventhough I thought, that you got to be kidding. I've got no preparation microscope.
I could make one cut and the pieces were all over the blade and I was almoust climbing on the walls ;)
Got really nothing done:
  • message #12596
Marja Pennanen, 26-08-2010 12:09
thats a beautiful piece of art.

So I tried, eventhough I got no preparation microscope.
I could make one cut and the pieces were all over the blade.
Got really nothing done.
I will not try the dry specimen, the fungi will fly away.
  • message #12597
Marja Pennanen, 26-08-2010 12:12
The spores seems to be smooth and the size and colour in IKI may (maybe) be seen here
  • message #12598
Marja Pennanen, 26-08-2010 12:13
Here's one more poor photo of the spores:

  • message #12599
Alain GARDIENNET, 26-08-2010 13:02
KOH- is correct.
Could you observe spores in blue ?
Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 11:08
Hello Alain,

I finally made it.
The septa was more visible, except on my photos.
  • message #12699
Marja Pennanen, 30-08-2010 11:10
What I got was a nice photo for postcard purposes ;)

  • message #12700