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A general query: Which book(s) to use?
Dmitry Gavryushin,
30-11-2006 16:54
I would like to ask some help with choosing one or maybe two of the following titles:
1. Breitenbach, J. and F. Kränzlin (1984). Fungi of Switzerland. Volume 1: Ascomycetes. Luzern, Switzerland: Verlag Mykologia. 310p.
2. Dennis, R. W. G. (1981). British Ascomycetes. Reprint Edition. Vaduz, Liechtenstein: J. Cramer. 585p.
3. Hanlin, Richard T. (1990). Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes. St. Paul, MN: APS Press. 263p. and Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes, Volume II. St. Paul, MN: APS Press. 258p. or Combined Keys to Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes Volumes I & II. St. Paul, MN: APS Press. 113p.
4. Hansen, Lise and Henning Knudsen (2000). Nordic Macromycetes. Volume 1. Ascomycetes. Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordsvamp. 209p.
Could anyone please suggest which book(s) would be more useful for a (compete) beginner who needs both a combined identification and reference source and a real value for money, too.
I am also going to buy a relatively new work by V.P. Prokhorov, Keys to the fungi of Russia: Discomycetes, No. 1, the families Ascobolaceae, Iodophanaceae, Ascodesmidaceae, Pezizaceae, Pyronemataceae, Thelebolaceae.
2004. 256pp. Its Russian edition is rather inexpensive here, less than 5 Euros.
I was able to find some literature that's freely available on-line: A Manual of the British Discomycetes by W. Phillips (1887), a part of Band 2 of Die Mikroskopischen Pilze by G. Lindau (1922) that's dedicated to Ascomycetes and a corresponding part of the Vol. II of The Fungi by F.A. Wolf and F.T. Wolf (1947). Some other keys were downloaded, too, the best of them are from Petersen's MycoKey site, but they are in Danish and that will be tough enough...
Any kind advice of the noble company would be highly appreciated.
Hans-Otto Baral,
03-12-2006 18:12

Re:A general query: Which book(s) to use?
difficult to answer. First I should know what fungi you are interested. Only discomycetes? Only operculate discos?
Hanlin I have in quite bad mind, Breitenbach and Dennis are of course very useful. Hansen also. But all this literature lacks important characters.
difficult to answer. First I should know what fungi you are interested. Only discomycetes? Only operculate discos?
Hanlin I have in quite bad mind, Breitenbach and Dennis are of course very useful. Hansen also. But all this literature lacks important characters.
05-12-2006 03:47
Re:A general query: Which book(s) to use?
I agree with Zotto, scratch Hanlin's books off your list. Utterly uiseless.
Dick Korf
Dick Korf
Dmitry Gavryushin,
05-12-2006 11:12
Re:A general query: Which book(s) to use?
Many thanks for your kind replies Mr. Baral and Mr. Korf,
Yes I've already got hold of Hanlin and did a little browsing, it's really rather ambiguous even for me, while I think Dennis and Nordic Macromycetes are great. Anyway, 'welcome to the fungi - they have more unanswered questions than any of us can ever answer, even for a few species or a single genus' - I hope this intriguing welcome applies to me, too.
Yes I've already got hold of Hanlin and did a little browsing, it's really rather ambiguous even for me, while I think Dennis and Nordic Macromycetes are great. Anyway, 'welcome to the fungi - they have more unanswered questions than any of us can ever answer, even for a few species or a single genus' - I hope this intriguing welcome applies to me, too.
Michel Hairaud,
06-12-2006 21:17

Re:A general query: Which book(s) to use?
Dear Dmitry,
If you can read French, there are a couple of booklets written by René Dougoud which I would highlty recommand for a beginner.
Moreover, have you already got a copy of Zotto's DVD (edited in automn 2005) in which you can find a number of keys, tools, plates , photos ... , most in Englis. If interested, you can send me a mail to private adress :michel.hairaud@wanadoo.fr
Best wishes. Michel
If you can read French, there are a couple of booklets written by René Dougoud which I would highlty recommand for a beginner.
Moreover, have you already got a copy of Zotto's DVD (edited in automn 2005) in which you can find a number of keys, tools, plates , photos ... , most in Englis. If interested, you can send me a mail to private adress :michel.hairaud@wanadoo.fr
Best wishes. Michel