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05-03-2023 19:54

Riet van Oosten Riet van Oosten

Hello, Found by Laurens van der Linde, March 2023

07-03-2023 09:52

Dirk Gerstner

Hello all,I'm completely in the dark here. I would

02-03-2023 17:43

François Bartholomeeusen

Dear forum members, I must refer to Elisabeth StÃ

05-03-2023 21:15

ruiz Jose antonio

Hola a todos. Recolectada en involucró de Castañ

04-03-2023 08:58

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

Me mandan el material seco de Galicia (España) 

04-03-2023 19:20

Alex Akulov Alex Akulov

Dear colleaguesCan you help me with the identifica

03-03-2023 20:13

Stefan Jakobsson

On a branch of Quercus on the underside of loose b

25-02-2023 23:06

ruiz Jose antonio

Hola a todos en excremento de cervido.No he podido

25-02-2023 18:36

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonsoir, Trouvé sur un tronc de Salix recouvert

30-01-2017 18:26

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Hi againThese small (0.3-0.4 mm) narrowly sessile,

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Unguiculella eurotioides?
Riet van Oosten, 05-03-2023 19:54
Riet van Oosten

Found by Laurens van der Linde, March 2023 on Rubus.

Could this be Unguiculella eurotioides?

With croziers?


Greetings, Riet
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Stip Helleman, 05-03-2023 20:10
Stip Helleman
Re : Unguiculella eurotioides?
Hi Riet,

indeed with croziers, the ascus dimensions fit to hamulata but the spores with the two guttules fits to no so far described species. It fits to the undiscribed Spanish collection in Zotto's sambucus folder


Riet van Oosten, 05-03-2023 20:52
Riet van Oosten
Re : Unguiculella eurotioides?
Thank you very much for your help and the information Stip!
Hans-Otto Baral, 06-03-2023 09:33
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Unguiculella eurotioides?
Are these glassy hairs 5% KOH-resistent? Did you test IKI as well?
Riet van Oosten, 06-03-2023 14:34
Riet van Oosten
Re : Unguiculella eurotioides?
I also tested IKI but it was difficult to see.

Today another try (IKI-) and also the KOH test, but I only have KOH 3 % :-(
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Hans-Otto Baral, 06-03-2023 15:54
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Unguiculella eurotioides?
Clearly inamyloid.

With 3% it is not a problem, but: you must hold the preparation over a flame until it shortly starts boiling. Then you have the same effect or even better than with 5% KOH.

The solid glassy hairs exclude an Unguiculella as I know the genus. I did not compare so far where it could belong.

I also wonder if you measured the spores. Stip is right in comparing the find on Sambucus.
Riet van Oosten, 06-03-2023 20:40
Riet van Oosten
Re : Unguiculella eurotioides?
I hope I did it right ... I heated the preparation with the coverglass upon it.

Spore sizes .... difficult to measure
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Hans-Otto Baral, 06-03-2023 20:59
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Unguiculella eurotioides?
Good, but you need to take a detail of your KOH photos at larger scale to see if the glassy substance resisted. Thanks for the spores. If your photos are so small as we see them, measuring is difficult indeed.
Riet van Oosten, 06-03-2023 21:18
Riet van Oosten
Re : Unguiculella eurotioides?
Another try :-)
  • message #75418
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  • message #75418
Stip Helleman, 06-03-2023 23:24
Stip Helleman
Re : Unguiculella eurotioides?
Spores are measured in water 4.5-7x1.8-3 oil guttules 1 µm, asci 22-33x5.5-7(7.5) arising from croziers, permanent IKI negative and no apical pore is observed, glassy parts were KOH10% resistant, IKI negative after KOH and CR positive

Hans-Otto Baral, 07-03-2023 09:40
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Unguiculella eurotioides?
Stip, you studied this specimen also? Yes, the glassy matrix is clearly KOH-insoluble. Then we can perhaps hope for a sequence? Ascus measurements refer to dead asci since I do not see any living ones? The LBs measure 1 µm but the spores are around 2 µm, perhaps Stip you mean 1.8-2.3 µm?
Stip Helleman, 07-03-2023 22:33
Stip Helleman
Re : Unguiculella eurotioides?
Hoi Zotto,

Yes a part of this collection was send to me

3 µm wide for spore was an exception, several were 2,5

I put it to drying yesterday perhaps I can get a sequence out of it

Cheers Stip