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10-03-2024 16:02

Stoykov Dimitar Stoykov Dimitar

Hallo,Does anyone have the page where the combinat

10-03-2024 18:56

Alex Akulov Alex Akulov

Dear colleagues, Another mystery has arisen. A mi

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Bonjour,. Sur laissées de chevreuil en boîte de

10-03-2024 18:42

Alex Akulov Alex Akulov

Dear colleagues, Today I received a photo of garl

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Gernot Friebes

Hi,I'm looking for these three standard references

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Bonjour à tous, Sur laissées de Cervus elaphus

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Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Hi,On poultry droppings mixed with plant debrisI a

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Uwe Lindemann Uwe Lindemann

Hi,I am looking for a paper again:Zhuang, WY. 2013

08-03-2024 12:31

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Diam 1 mm, on a fallen leaf of Quercus coccifera

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« < 25 26 27 28 29 > »
Literature search, Le Gal, M. 1953
Stoykov Dimitar, 10-03-2024 16:02
Stoykov DimitarHallo,
Does anyone have the page where the combination of Plectania emarginata (Berk. & Broome) le gal is proposed.
The book  title is le Gal, Marcelle. 1953. Les Discomycètes de Madagascar. IV.  Paris. 486 pp.
(Prodrome à une flore mycologique de Madagascar et Dépendances: publié sous la direction de Roger Heim avec le concours de l'Académie des Sciences et du Gouvernement général de Madagascar et Dependances, Issue 4).

Thank You in advance!
Martin Bemmann, 10-03-2024 16:31
Martin Bemmann
Re : Literature search, Le Gal, M. 1953
Hi Dimitar,

I don't think that Le Gal made a proper new combination (Plectania emarginata is not listed in IF and MB). In the chapter on Plectania she discusses Peziza emarginata en passant, but includes it in her Plectania key without further description.


  • message #78519
  • message #78519
Stoykov Dimitar, 10-03-2024 17:24
Stoykov Dimitar
Re : Literature search, Le Gal, M. 1953
Thank You, Martin!

I need to see the data, spore dimensions wiil be of help. In a recent publcation by Harrington & Potter in 1997 it is listed in sinonimy of S. emarginata, when proposing a new combination in Sarcoscypha, formerly known from 1876 as Sarcoscyphum emarginatum. Just to compare.



Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 10-03-2024 18:14
Re : Literature search, Le Gal, M. 1953
This document is available in the digital library of
Martin Bemmann, 10-03-2024 18:20
Martin Bemmann
Re : Literature search, Le Gal, M. 1953
Spore dimensions are given in LeGal's key...
Stoykov Dimitar, 11-03-2024 08:54
Stoykov Dimitar
Re : Literature search, Le Gal, M. 1953
Thank You,  Martin and Nikolas!