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13-08-2021 23:17

Thorben Hülsewig

Hi there, yesterday I could discover many small b

12-08-2021 09:48

Zuidland Peter

Hello all, I have found a small group of hairy dis

12-08-2021 16:40

Jason Karakehian Jason Karakehian

Hi everyone, Here is our paper on methods for obt

12-08-2021 23:14

Thorben Hülsewig

Hello there, 3 days ago I could find this anamorp

09-01-2021 21:07

Khomenko Igor Khomenko Igor

Hi,Is this just a long spore variation of Hymenosc

09-08-2021 22:09

Thorben Hülsewig

Hi there,At the end of may I could discover this a

30-07-2021 18:42

Franz Berger Franz Berger

I am searching for an appropriate genus (Biatorell

04-08-2021 17:42

Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

dear all,anybody  have the following article:S. H

06-08-2021 20:21

Thorben Hülsewig

Hi there,on the 13.06.21 i found this Hymenoscyphu

06-08-2021 22:34

Tyler Bailey

I found this Found on burned ground running throug

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black asco on tree trunk
Thorben Hülsewig, 13-08-2021 23:17
Hi there,

yesterday I could discover many small black fruiting bodies on a tree trunk.
The asci are IKI-
Any idea what this could be ?

best regards,

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DirkW, 14-08-2021 00:12
Re : black asco on tree trunk
hi thorben,

this  is a nitschkia, collapsed. i would check n. confertula here. perithecia look also good for n. grevillei, but spores should have 1 septation and more oil.

you have an idea for the substrate?

nice to have met you at apr! :-)

Thorben Hülsewig, 14-08-2021 13:24
Re : black asco on tree trunk
Hi Dirk,

Nitschkia confertula looks good :)
The Substrate was in a floodplain area and it could be Alnus.
I can also found a subiculum with an Anamorph fungus.

best regards,

Ich fand es auch schön dich auf der APR-Tour kennenlernen zu dürfen und freue mich schon auf ein nächstes Treffen :)
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