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12-05-2022 17:27

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

Apothecia 0.2-0.5 mm in diam., slightly downy exci

17-01-2012 15:11

Jean-Claude Malaval Jean-Claude Malaval

Bonjour à tous,Fréquent sur différents supports

12-05-2022 10:31

Viktorie Halasu Viktorie Halasu

Hello, can I call this Coprotus disculus, or is i

12-01-2022 09:51

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hola.Unos diminutos apotecios de color violáceo d

10-05-2022 15:11

Ruud R.van Middelkoop

Hallo,Gevonden op 22-04-2022 op Carex ericetorum.

28-04-2022 23:49

Michel Hairaud Michel Hairaud

Bonjour, Je viens de recevoir cette récolte aux

01-03-2022 00:47

Chris Yeates Chris Yeates

Today in answer to an email of support I sent to h

06-05-2022 15:04

Harald Homa Harald Homa

Liebe Pilzfreunde, heute stehe schon wieder mal a

08-05-2022 20:23


Bonsoirmini cupules < 1 mm en général grises

08-05-2022 15:10

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

me mandan el material seco de Galicia (España), 

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Yellow inoperculate on Frullania dilatata
Edvin Johannesen, 12-05-2022 17:27
Edvin JohannesenApothecia 0.2-0.5 mm in diam., slightly downy excipular surface. Asci ca. 45-60 x 6-7 microns, ascus tip IKI+ (blue) in Lugol, often curved, 8-spored and bi-seriate (as far as I can see- not many ripe asci). Released spores ellipsoid with somewhat pointed apices, multiguttulate (in KOH), aseptate, hyaline, ca 11-14 x 3 microns (all measures in KOH). Paraphyses numerous, filiform, 1-1.5 microns broad.

I have sacrificed only one medium-sized apothecium, so no in-depth study. My impression is that there are not so many yellow inoperculates on Frullania.  Suggestions appreciated.

  • message #72724
  • message #72724
  • message #72724
  • message #72724
Hans-Otto Baral, 12-05-2022 18:08
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Yellow inoperculate on Frullania dilatata
As the spores are multiguttulate, Bryoscyphus turbinatus is excluded. So far I have no other idea. A pity that the elements are not alive, e.g. the paraphyses.
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 12-05-2022 19:07
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : Yellow inoperculate on Frullania dilatata
unfortunately one cannot see much on the micro-pictures. But macroscopically it reminds me a bit of "Luteodiscus" or however these fungi will be called. The spores are perhaps too large for this, but as I said before: one cannot see much ...
Yours, Lothar
Hans-Otto Baral, 12-05-2022 20:38
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Yellow inoperculate on Frullania dilatata
Good idea, Lothar! That should not be too difficult to check. A minute drop of 0.5-5% KOH on an apo should produce a pink colour when it is Luteodiscus.
Edvin Johannesen, 12-05-2022 22:57
Edvin Johannesen
Re : Yellow inoperculate on Frullania dilatata
Thanks, guys. I have sacrificed one more and I think it is fair to say that it turned pink with a drop of KOH.
  • message #72729
  • message #72729
  • message #72729
Edvin Johannesen, 12-05-2022 23:03
Edvin Johannesen
Re : Yellow inoperculate on Frullania dilatata
I tried to take better photos of spores (in asci). Hope it helps a bit. This is the KOH treated apo microscoped in a drop of water after rinsing. Scale in these photos are 2.5 microns between lines. It fits quite well what you have called Luteodiscus pleurozii. It seems this is still a provisional name.
  • message #72730
  • message #72730
  • message #72730
  • message #72730
  • message #72730
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 13-05-2022 09:09
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : Yellow inoperculate on Frullania dilatata
yes, Luteodiscus as well is a provisional name, too.
Hans-Otto Baral, 13-05-2022 12:16
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Yellow inoperculate on Frullania dilatata
Hi Edvin

what did you do with your dirty microscope? Splendid photos! I can only agree with Luteodiscus bryophilus, as we cal it at the moment. My folders represent totally only 2 species so far, one with IKI blue and one with IKI red asci.

Now I would be glad if you send me collection data. We have numerous collections in the list and map but yours would add to the puzzle.

Edvin Johannesen, 13-05-2022 12:42
Edvin Johannesen
Re : Yellow inoperculate on Frullania dilatata
Ha ha! You are right that the microscope may need a cleanup, but I guess the improvement is largely bacause I had some more time :-)

I will send you the collection data per email.

Thanks again to both of you.