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03-10-2017 14:53

Steffen Lorenz

Hello, I found this Nectria species, which belong

12-11-2021 17:34

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi,Does anyone know this one or genus?found on soi

11-11-2021 23:06

Nihad Omerovic

HelloLooking for opinions on this Rutstroemia.Coll

11-11-2021 23:23

Patrick Poitras Patrick Poitras

Bonsoir,Pouvez-vous m'aider à identifier ces spé

10-11-2021 22:54

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

Hei! Before I do further studies, just a quick Q:

09-11-2021 15:06

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I have here an ascomycete collected in Morav

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Till Lohmeyer

Bon soir, D'après L'Index of Fungi et Mycobank l

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Gonçalo Marques

Hi! I'm new here and this is my first post :) I

11-11-2021 00:13

Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

I was asked to look at this Geoglossum for a colle

10-11-2021 17:33

Riet van Oosten Riet van Oosten

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Nectria nigrescens?
Steffen Lorenz, 03-10-2017 14:53

I found this Nectria species, which belongs to the N. cinnabarina complex. The dark colour was remarkable for me. Analyzing the spores I found several of it with three septa. So I thought this was N. cinnabarina s. str. But after further search I also found two spores with four septa. According to the key of Hirooka, Rossman and Chaverri: "A morphological and phylogenetic revision of the Nectria cinnabarina species complex" this is Nectria nigrescens.

The name suggests a blackening behavior of the species. But this is not described for this species. The normal colours are brighter like in N. cinnabarina but all species, including N. dematiosa can be more or less darker. The dried sporodochia seem to be darker than the fresh ones. Some of them are black now.

Am I right with N. nigrescens? Are there new scientific findings? Is this a rare or overlooked species?

Sporodochia: short stipitate to sessile, dark red brown, seem to blacken when dried
Ascospores: 12-16 (19) x 4-5,5 µm, mostly 1, sometimes 0 or 2 septate, rarely 3 septate

Best regards

  • message #50604
  • message #50604
Steffen Lorenz, 23-10-2017 19:32
Re : Nectria nigrescens?

can anybody confirm or refute Nectria nigrescens or suggest another species?

Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber, 16-03-2021 23:35
Re : Nectria nigrescens?
I just came across this spot by chance. Your collection looks exactly like Nectria nigrescens was shown to me by Hermann Voglmayr, who has a lot of experience, so it should indeed be this one. it is quite common here in the east of Austria and may have been overlooked elsewhere. Best, Irmgard
Norbert Heine, 17-03-2021 11:37
Norbert Heine
Re : Nectria nigrescens?
Hallo Steffen,

ergänzend zu Irmgards Ausführungen siehe auch den Beitrag von Matthias im von 2019.

Viele Grüße, Norbert
Steffen Lorenz, 12-11-2021 22:34
Re : Nectria nigrescens?
Hallo Irmgard und Norbert,

danke für eure Antworten. Ich habe die Art inzwischen ein paar Mal gefunden - dieses Jahr wieder nach vier Jahren ohne einen Fund dieser Art. Offenbar habe auch ich sie in den letzten Jahren übersehen. Leider findet man oft nicht Anamorphe und Teleomorphe gleichzeitig.

Viele Grüße
