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08-03-2022 13:52

Savic Dragisa

Regards to all,I found today an interesting anamor

08-03-2022 17:46

Stefan Blaser

Dear all, I am at a loss with this collection. Go

07-03-2022 23:44

Nihad Omerovic

Hello again,I would be grateful if someone could h

03-03-2022 09:18

Michel Hairaud Michel Hairaud

Bonjour, Voici une planche de Sclerotinia récolt

12-11-2015 12:36

Peter Wilberforce

I would appreciate some help with identifying this

07-03-2022 12:37

Gonzalez Garcia Marta

Good morning, I am studying an arthonial and using

07-03-2022 16:01

Mirek Gryc

HiI do not know this species, so please help.Perit

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Peter Welt Peter Welt

Wer hat den Artikel auf Platte? HOHMEYER H. H., L

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Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

Me mandan el marterial seco de Galicia (España) 

03-03-2022 21:24

Nihad Omerovic

Hello,Looking for opinions on this "Diatrypella";

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Anamorph on Carex pendula leaf
Savic Dragisa, 08-03-2022 13:52
Regards to all,
I found today an interesting anamorph on the Carex pendula leaf.
Any help is welcome.

  • message #72024
  • message #72024
  • message #72024
  • message #72024
Eduard Osieck, 08-03-2022 16:09
Re : Anamorph on Carex pendula leaf
The conidia look similar to those of Koorchaloma europaea, described from Lithuania (and also found in NL on Typha), see: Treigiene, A. (2006) New species of Kananascus and its anamorph from Lithuania. Mycotaxon 96: 173-180.
Savic Dragisa, 08-03-2022 17:17
Re : Anamorph on Carex pendula leaf
Thanks Eduard,
if you have that paper please send it to me.
Viktorie Halasu, 08-03-2022 17:40
Viktorie Halasu
Re : Anamorph on Carex pendula leaf
Hello Dragiša,

most volumes of Mycotaxon up to no. 124 are online here:

Savic Dragisa, 08-03-2022 18:25
Re : Anamorph on Carex pendula leaf
Hi Victorie,
I know that, but this way it's faster and easier LOL

Viktorie Halasu, 08-03-2022 18:29
Viktorie Halasu
Re : Anamorph on Carex pendula leaf
Ok. :-) Well, extracting pages from a pdf document is just a single command in shell (pdftk [input file] cat [pageRange] output [output file]), at least in linux. In windows there must be a similar tool as well.
Savic Dragisa, 08-03-2022 19:22
Re : Anamorph on Carex pendula leaf
That's not it, though. There is a slight similarity in the appearance of conidia but the rest is different. I have already found K. melaloma and there is no resemblance to it. Conidiomata in this species is not superficial but immersed, spherical (picture3) and no setae.
Savic Dragisa, 09-03-2022 09:05
Re : Anamorph on Carex pendula leaf
Hi, I was able to identify the species, Neottiospora caricina.