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09-12-2006 18:28

Dmitry Gavryushin

Size around 7mm. On a branch high above the ground

09-12-2006 18:25

Dmitry Gavryushin

Nov. 28, 2006, near Ozhigovo station, 55° 27' 43'

09-12-2006 18:20

Dmitry Gavryushin

On a well-rotten branch of Salix, almost in water.

09-12-2006 18:15

Dmitry Gavryushin

Found on a small branch of Betula, very humid habi

08-12-2006 13:58

Thierry Arbault

Bonjour, je suis un néophyte absolu dans le doma

06-12-2006 20:17

Javier Ormad

À voir qu'ils vous semblent ces spécimens trou

30-11-2006 16:54

Dmitry Gavryushin

Hello everybody, I would like to ask some help

28-11-2006 20:13

Perz Piotr

Hello :) I was found an intresting Perrotia spe

28-11-2006 00:48

Perz Piotr

Hello, I found this species on inner side of Pi

27-11-2006 19:53

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

J'aimerais connaître une opinion sur cette espèc

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A discomycete on Populus tremula branch, Nov. 28, 2006
Dmitry Gavryushin, 09-12-2006 18:28
Size around 7mm. On a branch high above the ground that rested on another tree.
  • message #1076
Dmitry Gavryushin, 09-12-2006 18:29
Re:A discomycete on Populus tremula branch, Nov. 28, 2006
Other views. Not collected, no micros, sorry.

Thank you.
  • message #1077
Andreas Gminder, 11-12-2006 00:40
Andreas Gminder
Re:A discomycete on Populus tremula branch, Nov. 28, 2006
Hallo Dmitry,

this also is Schizophyllum amplum (or Auriculariopsis ampla, if you prefer).

best regards,
Dmitry Gavryushin, 11-12-2006 13:00
Re:A discomycete on Populus tremula branch, Nov. 28, 2006
Thanks a lot Andreas.