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28-07-2022 11:34

Filip Fuljer Filip Fuljer

Hello guys,I recently collected some strange possi

16-07-2022 23:13

Ronald Morsink

Hello everyone,I found these small ascomycetes in

15-09-2021 12:41

Mirek Gryc

Hello allDear forum members, are my suspicions cor

24-07-2022 14:01

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello, yesterday I collected this Mollisia.Ascospo

18-11-2012 21:36


I found this mold growing on a old and dried out A

23-07-2022 14:52

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour, Sur une branche aérienne de Picea abies

17-07-2022 05:33

Gao Hanxing

Hello,I am looking for following paper: (1)Bayer

24-07-2022 10:25

Stephen Mifsud Stephen Mifsud

Hello, I recently found a mould growing on a wine

19-07-2022 08:14

Zuidland Peter

Hello all,Found today in a eucalyptus bushland in

20-07-2022 18:57

Richard VALERI Richard VALERI

Bonsoir à tous et merci à Michel de m'avoir acce

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Psilachnum or some Hyaloscyphaceae on hygric Sorbus wood
Filip Fuljer, 28-07-2022 11:34
Filip FuljerHello guys,

I recently collected some strange possibly Psilachnum species on decomposing fallen hygric branch of Sorbus aucuparia in (sub-)alpine region (High Tatras - Slovakia, 1350 m asl).
According to Raitviir's key, I assume, that it could be some Psilachnum species (on woody substrate). Please can someone help me with the precise identification ? Maybe Zotto will know ...
Spores - narrowly ellipsoid to elongated ellipsoid, often with 2 bigger oil drops and many smaller ones, 9,1-10,8 x 3-3,8 µm
Asci - 8 spored, croziers present (Haken +), IKI+ bb
Paraphyses - filiform, with numerous oil content (oil drops)
Hairs - lanceolate, +- blunt, smooth

A lot thanks for any suggestions,
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Hans-Otto Baral, 28-07-2022 12:05
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Psilachnum or some Hyaloscyphaceae on hygric Sorbus wood
Hi Filip

the hairs clearly refer this species to Hyaloscypha. I only wonder about the paraphysis content which is quite impossible here. Surely this is no oil, you can easily check this by adding 1-5% KOH (LBs resist in KOH).

If you have CRB (aqueous Crresyl Blue or Toluidine Blue) you can try to stain them, which needs some patience. Hyaloscypha vitreola has paraphyses with single guttules but these are SCBs which do not stain in CRB, whereas VBs which I presume here do stain turquoise.
