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24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

24-07-2024 13:19

Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

21-07-2024 10:13

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolte sur branchette de Castanea dans u

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Kozak Robert

Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

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Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

Which Peziza did I find on horse dung in Humboldt

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Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good morningThis Scutellinia from July 9 grew at 1

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Masanori Kutsuna

Dear all, Does anyone have these papers and send

08-07-2024 23:34

Villalonga Paco

Small Scutellinia growing in garden soil (calcareo

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Tiny 'Helotium' on Eriophorum angustifolium culms
Edvin Johannesen, 10-07-2021 23:17
Edvin Johannesen

These tiny (1-3 mm diam) stalked apothecia were growing on Eriophorum angustifolium culms in a very wet place (submerged), 850 m alt. in Norway. Hymenium flat or slightly convex, stipe with a slight pinkish hue. No sclerotium or stromatised tissue, so I guess not Sclerotiniaceae.

Asci 65-80 x 7-9 micr, IKI neg. No croziers seen. Paraphyses ca. 5 micr broad, filled with slightly yellowish guttules. Spores 19-25 x 3-4 micr, fusiform, often bent, tending to form a lump at the ascus upper half and released as such.  All photos from fresh material, mounted in water.

I am not even sure what genus this is.  Does anyone?

  • message #69401
  • message #69401
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  • message #69401
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  • message #69401
Hans-Otto Baral, 11-07-2021 08:22
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Tiny 'Helotium' on Eriophorum angustifolium culms
Hi Edvin

 I would not say tiny :-)

One would perhaps expect an Ombrophila like O. pileata with this macroscopy  but the guttulate paraphyses (VBs) refer this fungus to Helotiaceae.

Did you study the excipulum? Probably neither a gelatinous medulla nor a thick-walled ectal exc. like in Cyathicula.

No idea at present.

Edvin Johannesen, 11-07-2021 10:31
Edvin Johannesen
Re : Tiny 'Helotium' on Eriophorum angustifolium culms
Thanks, Zotto.  No, by my usual standards, it's not tiny.  But relatively speaking it was, since I was looking for Ciborinia ciborium :)

I will study the excipulum and get back.

Edvin Johannesen, 13-07-2021 13:58
Edvin Johannesen
Re : Tiny 'Helotium' on Eriophorum angustifolium culms
It seems like excipulum is texura porrecta.  No sign of gelatinised tissue.  Does this help?
  • message #69436
  • message #69436
  • message #69436
Hans-Otto Baral, 15-07-2021 10:57
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Tiny 'Helotium' on Eriophorum angustifolium culms
Despite the narrow spores and lack of gel I am reminded of Cyathicula megalospora. That species has a strong t. oblita (see HB 5885 and 9396-2) and spores at least *5.5-6 µm wide.
Edvin Johannesen, 17-07-2021 15:36
Edvin Johannesen
Re : Tiny 'Helotium' on Eriophorum angustifolium culms
Thanks, Zotto!  I will look further into that track.

Edvin Johannesen, 20-07-2021 11:26
Edvin Johannesen
Re : Tiny 'Helotium' on Eriophorum angustifolium culms
OK, so the spores are indeed wider than originally posted, i.e. mostly 5-7.5 microns. I think it is difficult to see the lumen and decide whether it's t. porrecta or t. oblita, but there seems to be a genatinized layer (in KOH), also supported by the texture when handled fresh. I totally agree with Cyathicula (Crocicreas?) megalospora. :-)
Hans-Otto Baral, 20-07-2021 11:44
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Tiny 'Helotium' on Eriophorum angustifolium culms
Good! No, it is a Cyathicula. Crocicreas has lanceolate paraphyses without visible contents.
Edvin Johannesen, 21-07-2021 11:36
Edvin Johannesen
Re : Tiny 'Helotium' on Eriophorum angustifolium culms
Got it.  It that case it should be corrected in Index/Species Fungorum, where C. megalosporum is the "current name".

Hans-Otto Baral, 21-07-2021 16:52
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Tiny 'Helotium' on Eriophorum angustifolium culms
You are right, but such correction needs a formal new combination, and such things should only be done after critical review, including typie identity and possible earlier synonyms.