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26-08-2016 15:02

Thomas Læssøe

A rather big, dentate sessile object - just a sing

27-08-2016 22:26

Steve Clements

Bonjour,On a decouvert cet joli asco sur Pinus syl

25-08-2016 16:12

Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

This was found in an area of woodland damaged by t

25-08-2016 13:01

Savic Dragisa

I think I didnt misidentified, but I'd like some c

26-08-2016 14:44

Jacques Fournier Jacques Fournier

Hi forum,does anybody have this paper as a pdf? I

25-08-2016 16:58

Thomas Læssøe

In the season 2015 (august) I found a tiny almost

25-08-2016 23:34

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Here is a strange conidial fungus, with stilbelloi

25-08-2016 12:56

Savic Dragisa

Hi to all,I found this little fungus (4-8 mm diam)

25-08-2016 15:41

M Jonathan M Jonathan

Juste pour  confirmation, il y a t'il d'autre pos

25-08-2016 17:59

Thomas Læssøe

ueven small black, crusts in abundance on trunk su

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rhytismatalean on turfy soil with mosses and Calluna - northwestern Jutland, Denmark
Thomas Læssøe, 26-08-2016 15:02
A rather big, dentate sessile object - just a single apothecium. 
Hymenium pale grey, marginal teeth black, outer side black. Spores filiform with slime coat, ca. 80-85 x 3.5-4 µm. Asci to 15 µm wide just below the slightly pointy apex; very long. Paraphyes filiform, branching above.

help is needed.


  • message #44598
  • message #44598
  • message #44598
  • message #44598
Hans-Otto Baral, 26-08-2016 21:15
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : rhytismatalean on turfy soil with mosses and Calluna - northwestern Jutland, Denmark
Rather big can be 10 cm or 2 mm?
Are you sure the first two pics belong to the second two?
Where does it come from?
Thomas Læssøe, 27-08-2016 11:33
Re : rhytismatalean on turfy soil with mosses and Calluna - northwestern Jutland, Denmark
Yes, rather unprecise (caused by stressful conditions during survey work). Apo about 5-7 mm wide. And yes all pics should be from the photographed apothecium
Hans-Otto Baral, 27-08-2016 11:55
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : rhytismatalean on turfy soil with mosses and Calluna - northwestern Jutland, Denmark
ah, now i see that the asci are also on your excipulum photo.

I would never have expected such combination of characters....
How sessile is thit fungus, it looks like having a short stout stalk?
Joey JTan, 28-08-2016 05:51
Re : rhytismatalean on turfy soil with mosses and Calluna - northwestern Jutland, Denmark
Was it on the soil itself or erumpent/on roots or wood?
Thomas Læssøe, 28-08-2016 10:38
Re : rhytismatalean on turfy soil with mosses and Calluna - northwestern Jutland, Denmark
very difficult to judge - the heath (rather moist one) had been burnt over a couple of years back. The turf is full of tiny roots, burnt bits, moss etc, so it just appeared to be springing from the turf. No stipe could be seen.