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21-12-2021 23:36

Ethan Crenson

Hello all, I came across this beautiful, mostly s

20-12-2021 20:42

Mario Filippa

Photo: 18-05-2017, sur Alnus glutinosa.Complèteme

13-05-2015 20:16

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonsoir à tous,Voici un premier Anthracobia dont

18-12-2021 09:55

Stephen Mifsud Stephen Mifsud

I have another Anthracobia under my lens which was

20-12-2021 22:46

jean claude chasle

Bonsoir,Récoltées le 4 /12 /2021 sur coupe de pÃ

21-12-2021 05:32

Gwenaël Cartier

BonjourPeut-être que quelqu'un a une idée de ce

19-12-2021 12:49

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

me mandan el material seco, recolectado sobre tier

20-12-2021 09:40

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hola.Unos ascomas con forma de dedo de color negro

17-12-2021 07:43

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hola.Unos diminutos apotecios de entre 0,08 a 0,12

08-12-2021 00:12

Georges Greiff

Hello all,A couple of colleagues collected a whiti

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yellow hymenium, yellow encrusted hairs
Ethan Crenson, 21-12-2021 23:36
Hello all,

I came across this beautiful, mostly sessile cup in New York City a couple of days ago. Apothecia between 0.5 & 0.8mm.  The hymenium is yellow encircled by rather shaggy light yellow hairs. The hairs are encrusted from tip to base.

Asci IKI+, about 58 x 6.6µm.

Spores fusiform, occasionally 1-septate, 9-12.5 x 2.3-3µm.

Paraphyses filiform, about 1.3µm wide, containing green droplets.

I had considered Neodasyscypha cerina, as I had noticed the resemblance in the encrustations in the hairs, but I have doubts.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance,

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