13-03-2007 18:04
Dmitry GavryushinMarch 10, 2007, Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region. 1 to

13-03-2007 08:42
Dmitry GavryushinMarch 10, 2007, Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region. Size

13-03-2007 08:39
Dmitry GavryushinMarch 10, 2007, Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region. Cove

11-03-2007 18:01
ISABELLE FERRANDTout le monde sèche, on ne sait absolument pas ce

11-03-2007 17:45

Bonjour. J'ai trouvé sous un tas de feuilles d

10-03-2007 22:08
Dmitry GavryushinMarch 08, 2007, Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region. Diam

10-03-2007 22:02
Dmitry GavryushinMarch 06, 2007, Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region. In g

10-03-2007 21:59
Dmitry GavryushinMarch 06, 2007, Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region. Size
Rust on needles of Pinus sylvestris
Dmitry Gavryushin,
13-03-2007 18:04
1 to 2mm across. I found only a lot of small globose to wide-ellyptical (conidial?) spores. Yet I hope it's some common species...
Christian Lechat,
13-03-2007 18:29

Re:Rust on needles of Pinus sylvestris
Maybe Coleosporium asterum if it's really a rust
Amitiés, :)
Amitiés, :)
Dmitry Gavryushin,
13-03-2007 19:07
Re:Rust on needles of Pinus sylvestris
Many thanks Christian.