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07-01-2014 23:04

Michel Hairaud Michel Hairaud

Bonjour à tous, Hi to all. This tiny bright yell

16-08-2022 15:50

Thomas Læssøe

23-07-2022 20:47

Stefan Jakobsson

I made an abundant collection of some Preussia/Spo

05-04-2021 10:56

Sven Heinz Sven Heinz

Hello, does anyone have an idea what that could b

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Ueli Graf Ueli Graf

Hello, I'm looking for  Donadini J.C.  1981 Le g

14-08-2022 18:08

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Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

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Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

I can find no suitable answer for this white Bryos

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Stefan Jakobsson

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10-08-2022 18:45

François Bartholomeeusen

Good evening all, On 5 August 2022, a friend gave

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A bright colour Alpine Helotiale
Michel Hairaud, 07-01-2014 23:04
Michel HairaudBonjour à tous, Hi to all. 

This tiny bright yellow disco was discovered in an Alpine zone on previous year's Cirsium stems lying on ground. I had already seen it in French Alps several times long ago but I must admit I still cannot give an name to it. Any help will be welcome. 

J'ai récolté ce petit disco cet été en zone alpine sur vieilles tiges de Cirsium au sol . C'est une espèce que j'ai déjà rencontrée dans les Alpes françaises il y a longtemps mais ne sais toujours pas comment le nommer. Merci de votre aide.

Apothécies sessiles, jaune d'or, à marge méchulée , < 0,4 mm
Le pigment jaune contenu dans les poils réagit fugacement en rouge vif à KOH

Asques H+, IKI + Bleun Calycina type. 65-70 x (6)8-9 µm PS 28-30
Spores 13,5-16 x 2,5-3 , cylindriques , légèrement courbes OCI 0,5 , parfois 1 septa 
Poils de marge llisses, fascilulés en mèches  --> 70µm , dernier article 35 µm x 3,5-4,5 Vacuoles réfringentes homogènes jaune d'or 
Paraphyses droites, apex  parfois subconiques, VBs jaune 
EE globulosa angularis évoluant vers prismatica vers l'extérieur où les cellules contiennent des vacuoles comme dans les poils. CRB - 



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Hans-Otto Baral, 08-01-2014 18:10
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : A bright colour Alpine Helotiale
Hi Michel
did you test  image 6 with NH4OH?

The fungus reminds me of Psilachnum rubrotinctum and ERD 5740 (Tilia bark), but those have much smaller spores.

I have no idea otherwise.

Michel Hairaud, 08-01-2014 18:52
Michel Hairaud
Re : A bright colour Alpine Helotiale
Hi zotto, 
Thank you for your interest for this post.

I have in memory P. rubrotinctum found by the Master of Asturiana (Enrique)! I think it was also collected during last year Somiedo congress .  This fungus is first white and gets the very same colour as mine with NH4OH
I did not test NH4OH and the colour you see here is natural. The red violent reaction was  produced by KOH 5% and lasts a few seconds 
Besides, as you notice, spores are quite different . Paraphyses might belong to Psilachnum as shown on the fllowing picture. I am not sure . I first thought of Calycellina but the CRB reaction in vacuoles does not match, neither the spore envelop .

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Hans-Otto Baral, 08-01-2014 20:27
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : A bright colour Alpine Helotiale
Psilachnum is perhaps not the good genus for rubrotictum either. The genera that exist are perhaps not enough to cover these klinds of fungi.

I instantly hope that more and more sequencing working groups will get interested in all the various groups of Helotiales...

So keep this material safely in your herbarium.

Gernot Friebes, 16-08-2022 20:38
Re : A bright colour Alpine Helotiale
Dear friends,

I collected this beautiful species today, also on Cirsium at approx. 2200 m a.s.l. Is there any new information on this?

Best wishes,
Hans-Otto Baral, 16-08-2022 20:49
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : A bright colour Alpine Helotiale
Not really, only that F. Valade found it in 2014 on Adenostyles and U. Graf in 2017/18 on Cirsium spinosissimum.
Gernot Friebes, 16-08-2022 20:56
Re : A bright colour Alpine Helotiale
Okay, thanks. Could you please tell me where I find your folder of this species?
Hans-Otto Baral, 16-08-2022 21:11
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : A bright colour Alpine Helotiale
Ah yes, it is in Cistella, provisionally, but two sequences of it confirm this. No sequence exists for typical rubrotinctum.
Gernot Friebes, 16-08-2022 21:31
Re : A bright colour Alpine Helotiale
Thank you!
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 17-08-2022 08:34
Re : A bright colour Alpine Helotiale
We regurarly collect this species during our alpine zone forays. Michel is rather busy these days, so he asked me to tell you that he's still working on it and will soon end his study.
Hans-Otto Baral, 17-08-2022 09:03
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : A bright colour Alpine Helotiale
Good to hear! Will be a good issue, I am looking forward.